I was afraid someone would say that', well, Calif. Hasnt yet' but I would bet my left boot on it that eventually the powers that be would love to get some kind of rediculaus revenue out of smoggin bikes next yr.... Of course that was before all the bank issues and economey problems''' Maybe they will re-think that??? or forget' The bikes having a cat' put in at all indicate what the powers that be were thinking of doing just that though.. I thought' maybe taking out the stuffing and resealing the package and run straight pipes throiugh the R-3 mufflers would work just fine... Most wouldnt even know it was done if i do it right' or I could just say I bought it ebay and I did'''' I have 2 sets.... But'' It seems to be more and more of a further reach of a possible out of posssibles. The assembly 4-1-2 titanium'' Well, Im still thinking but the maufacture for that set up has a nice one.. Anyway' thanks for the advice...