Lately I have noticed the 1ks almost always beat the busas in every class. In some cases the busa would get the jump, but the harder luanching 1ks can still run them down.I think the torque,clutch setup, and gearing makes the busa such a beast off the line that the riders end up fighting the bike. My Stage 1 turbo busa has the chutch mod, 16 tooth sprocket, and 6" over arm, and at 4500 rpms or 7500 rpms it still feels like I'm riding a bull. I have played with the suspension from other racers input, but a smooth progressive launch is almost impossible. When I ride 1ks with much less power they seem so weak but move out much easier. As busa riders we need to come up something other than a lockup to solve the problem and reclaim the title. What is it like to use a clutch cushion.