Just wondering if anyone that has ceramic bearings has actually went thru and serviced the bearing. I've been looking at ceramic bearings and I came across a company other the the wwb everyone uses and while I'm one that knows you usually get what you pay for the prices were enough to get my attention. I know @c10 had ceramic in his core moto wheels and their website says they only suggest ceramics for regularly maintenance race bikes which makes me wonder what the life span is on them. Then I came across the bearing company and they actually have a step by step of how to remove the seal and clean and offer different types of grease for different applications. So this just got me to wondering if anyone actually services them or just replaces them and if just replacing how often. I don't see the option of lightweight rims in my future and after pushing around my buddy's 2019 compared to my busa his definitely seems to roll easier and I have newer bearings in my rear wheel and do the maintenance on both bikes so I'm thinking I might be able to afford some ceramic bearings to hold me over until the day I get some lightweight wheels.