chain master link a tad too tight? ahh


hey fellas. I just installed a new chain, i have the rk chain rivetting tool, i did everything correct but when i rivetted the pins of the master link i think i may of tightened them too much. you know how the chain is flexible and you can bend it on every link, the master link though is flexible but its harder to bend the links than it is anywhere else on the chain. will this loosen up a bit after some riding or am i royally screwed and have to get another chain. thanks for the help guys.:beerchug:
ok i was thinking it was fine just wanted a few answers from the smart guys at this forum:beerchug: when i slowly rotated my wheel i watched how the master link went around the rear sprocket and you can see that the master link sideplate takes a fraction of a second longer to lay nicely down on the sprocket teeth than the other links. im hoping it will stretch a bit though and be ok like busa said.
Did you use the 2 spacers when you tightened it?
If you did it should be fine - you most likely can't overtighten.
If you didn't you may have a problem.
well seems if you used the lube and spacers, you can not go wrong.. run it awhile and check it again.. probably loosen up..
use a 0-1 inch micrometer and measure the ones next to it and it should be close as well as straight..if not i would replace it and try again but thats just me. i guess if it`s just a little tight it might be ok but i`d keep an eye on the o-rings ??
if the master link is just so slightly crooked and it very slightly clips the sprocket tooth as it goes around it, is this a problem or will it eventually go away with riding. its barely noticable but i can see the master link just sliiiiiightly clip the tooth of the sprocket. thanks. :beerchug: