charging battery


I am in a real pickle...

I have a almost dead battery and am wondering if hooking my Busa battery up to a 12V 10AMP charger for 15 to 20 min. will hurt it. I can't get to my normal charger until Friday and was wondering if this quick charge will help or hurt!!

I'm not sure if it will hurt it or not but if you try it keep a close on the temp. of the battery.
Try it for 10-15 minutes and see if it heats up or not. It should be ok, I would charge it for about 15 minutes at a time, letting it cool for a few minutes in between charging cycles.
I would not suggest it!

Get the right kind of charger for your battery!
I don't see what could possible be damaged by doing this... The busa runs on a 12 volt system just like a car does. I'm not sure what amps the bike will charge at idle but it has to be more than 10 amps just to run the headlight and ignition. If you are still hessitant you can remove the battery poss lead so you don't damage any of the bikes electronics.
Thanks for the advice.

I was able to find a friends charger that had a 2 amp setting and let it go for 7 hours. It brought it right back to life.