Charging circuit overheating at plug


Hello, I'm new to this forum, have a2013. I had a battery issue, replaced it. Then realised the rectifier might be bad, wasn't getting good charge. Now getting about 14.5 to the battery.
The plug from the alternator under tank was burnt out. Replaced that. Put a thermocouple on it to monitor, and it gets hot, like 100c.

I think this kind of question has been answered and maybe solved. Can anyone help or lead me in the right direction please.

Kind regards


Hello, I'm new to this forum, have a2013. I had a battery issue, replaced it. Then realised the rectifier might be bad, wasn't getting good charge. Now getting about 14.5 to the battery.
The plug from the alternator under tank was burnt out. Replaced that. Put a thermocouple on it to monitor, and it gets hot, like 100c.

I think this kind of question has been answered and maybe solved. Can anyone help or lead me in the right direction please.

Kind regards
Check out this post. Rectifier/Regulator connector meltdown | Busa problems