Check this out


(What would be a polite way to put this?)

I was surfing around and found this site. It is RB Racing's. They make mention of Turbo Rick and Mark Moisian's Motor Cycle Express (M-C Express) and they don't have nice things to say about them.

I'm not trying to start a big flame-a-thon, I just wanted to show you something. Sort of an FYI.

On the counterpoint, RB racing is being sued for turbo kits they sold but never sent out. RB Racing I looked at all of the pages (I think). There's bad comments when you click the GSXR that's facing away from you and some more on the "Eat Sh*T and Die" at the bottom and other places too.

Their ZX11 turbo kit looks cool except for the poor placement of the intercooler in a low air flow and high engine heat area, under the gas tank.
These guys sound like sour grapes to me. They make stuff for bikes but it sounds like they dont ride. Its the riders that are the hero's. They are the ones that put their on the line. Whoever wrote for this web site should grow up. I think Turbo Rick knows what he is talking about. Sounds like rick had to fix what was wrong with their stuff in the first place and didnt tell them...........awwwwwwww too bad..........
That is with out a doubt the worst public relations I have ever seen from a "manufacturer"! I've been around various aspects of motor sports for about 19 years. These guys have a severe in-house problem.

If Turbo Rick were so dependent on them, why would he act that way? I think we've all had run-ins in the aftermarket world, but this does ring of "sour grapes" to me too.

As far as disassociating your self from a vendor, that is a conscious choice made by a racer, usually resulting from poor relations with that vendor. Any one who has an "eat sh_t and die" link in there web site, possibly has had some bad deals go down.

A world record, even by "just 1 mile per hour" is still a world record. If it's so easy, I'm sure these guys can just run out and get it back.

I'd like to hear Turbo Rick's side of the story.

[This message has been edited by maui (edited 13 December 1999).]