

Donating Member
Pretty good story here about what has been going on in China over the last decade or two.

Doubtless there will be some disagreement here...and inevitably someone will feel the need to turn this into a political battle, but the underlying message in this article is important enough it's worth sharing. Try and keep this discussion civil. The challenges the U.S. faces are bigger than any one person, or any one political party or ideology.

How are you personally preparing for a world in which the U.S. is an empire in decline relative to emerging economies in China, India, and Brazil?

I've been investing relatively heavily in India and China, and indirectly in Brazil, as well as in multinational companies that are positioned to benefit irrespective of the future of the U.S.

We can stick our heads in the sand and pretend this won't affect us in the long run while we continue to see manufacturing of increasingly complex products shift from the U.S. to China, and outsourced service sector jobs that mostly just require the ability to read and speak English continue to move to India...or we can choose to be proactive and progressive when it comes to education, fiscal policy, infrastructure and industrial development.

In many ways it seems the U.S. has become a nation of people who sit around and expect their life to be better than their parents' lives without putting in the effort necessary in education, and saving and investing for the future.
Interesting article, thanks for sharing. :thumbsup: For the most part I agree with the writer's assessment. I would dare to take it a step further and say one of our biggest challenges to get America back on track is to invest more in our youth. There are so many children growing up today by themselves, because Mom & Dad are busy working or one or both parents are completely absent. We can't rely on the world to teach our kids morality and work ethic. Many are left to pretty much fend for themselves which turns into playing X-box all day instead of studying or doing chores around the house. I'm not saying it's this way everywhere, but it is becoming more and more common place. Some would say we the parents have created alot of this by not understanding the difference between wants and needs. Many of us are living above our means then wondering why our kids seem lost these days. There are many, many reasons why America is in the shape she is in, but true change must start in our homes not in the White House IMHO.
Interesting article, thanks for sharing. :thumbsup: For the most part I agree with the writer's assessment. I would dare to take it a step further and say one of our biggest challenges to get America back on track is to invest more in our youth. There are so many children growing up today by themselves, because Mom & Dad are busy working or one or both parents are completely absent. We can't rely on the world to teach our kids morality and work ethic. Many are left to pretty much fend for themselves which turns into playing X-box all day instead of studying or doing chores around the house. I'm not saying it's this way everywhere, but it is becoming more and more common place. Some would say we the parents have created alot of this by not understanding the difference between wants and needs. Many of us are living above our means then wondering why our kids seem lost these days. There are many, many reasons why America is in the shape she is in, but true change must start in our homes not in the White House IMHO.

I agree.
here are so many children growing up today by themselves, because Mom & Dad are busy working or one or both parents are completely absent. We can't rely on the world to teach our kids morality and work ethic. Many are left to pretty much fend for themselves which turns into playing X-box all day instead of studying or doing chores around the house. I'm not saying it's this way everywhere, but it is becoming more and more common place. Some would say we the parents have created alot of this by not understanding the difference between wants and needs. Many of us are living above our means then wondering why our kids seem lost these days. There are many, many reasons why America is in the shape she is in, but true change must start in our homes not in the White House IMHO.

It's very important that parents read to their kids, even if they are just a couple
of months old. And show them a globe: I can't believe the global disorientation
of youth.
People need to live at a level that only requires 1 income. Too many people allow someone else to raise their kids. If they are teaching their kids, somebody else is.
Didn't read the article but have to agree with your writing. I don't see things going well in the next decade for US :poke: and agree with your assessment about people in this country. As soon as the redistribute the current wealth that doesn't move off shore we're done.
Interesting article, thanks for sharing. :thumbsup: For the most part I agree with the writer's assessment. I would dare to take it a step further and say one of our biggest challenges to get America back on track is to invest more in our youth. There are so many children growing up today by themselves, because Mom & Dad are busy working or one or both parents are completely absent. We can't rely on the world to teach our kids morality and work ethic. Many are left to pretty much fend for themselves which turns into playing X-box all day instead of studying or doing chores around the house. I'm not saying it's this way everywhere, but it is becoming more and more common place. Some would say we the parents have created alot of this by not understanding the difference between wants and needs. Many of us are living above our means then wondering why our kids seem lost these days. There are many, many reasons why America is in the shape she is in, but true change must start in our homes not in the White House IMHO.

Hi guys, Im a newbie. Nice to join this forum.
So far nothing here I don't agree with it's all very true unfortunately the majority chooses to ignore these very blatant signs of trouble. It's very true that it is up to us to get the ball rolling, It may be up to our kids to fix it all but if we don't start teaching them all is lost.
So far nothing here I don't agree with it's all very true unfortunately the majority chooses to ignore these very blatant signs of trouble. It's very true that it is up to us to get the ball rolling, It may be up to our kids to fix it all but if we don't start teaching them all is lost.

Many are ignorant to the challenges we face in the future, but I think a lot of us don't really know how to prepare ourselves to not just survive, but thrive, in a more competitive global economy. I've been struggling with this question since about 2001.

Here is one answer. The only other answer I've found so far is to invest in companies who are positioned to benefit from cheaper, better educated workforces elsewhere.

At present time, most of these lower cost workforces are not as productive as workers in America, but that is one of the sole remaining advantages we have...and that may not last much longer. Once these developing economies learn how to match our level of productivity, wages and the standard of living as most of us know it in this country will likely decline at an accelerating pace.

As an employer, I find it appalling the level of basic writing and math skills I find most job applicants, who are high school graduates usually from age eighteen to fifty, have. For the last four years, I've included a very basic math and essay question test as part of the interview process so I have a better idea what level of education a person actually has. I don't need geniuses working for me, but I do need people who have the ability to solve minor problems on their own, and be able to function if a computer crashes.
That would be a great thing to do. Unfortunately that would put lots of people way under the poverty line. two people can work and still take good care of the kids if they make a point to doing so. Too many people do not try alternatives. Alternate shifts, Grandparents,etc.

People need to live at a level that only requires 1 income. Too many people allow someone else to raise their kids. If they are teaching their kids, somebody else is.
Not sure who watched Buffet and Gates on TV recently, about the future of the US. They sure are optimistic, I share their optimism about the potential here. After all, they are two very successful individuals.

As long as the Dollar remains strong, outsourcing to Asia will continue. Asia's wealth from foreign sources of consumption will not change the big picture. What will change the big picture is if Asia can stimulate their own domestic consumption and growth, followed by the wealth of their own population. When that happens, the Dollar will weaken in comparison to Asian currencies and outsourcing will reduce, with manufacturing jobs moving back into the US.

What is important is maintenance of political stability and a strong military world power.

Just my own humble opinion.
What will change the big picture is if Asia can stimulate their own domestic consumption and growth, followed by the wealth of their own population.

This is the one scenario that could help us out. I've seen a little of this in India over the last few years.

Unfortunately, this is something outside our control.
Pick up a copy of the Epoch Times featuring a complete rundown on how China operates. Honesty and integrity mean nothing to the CCP and they will subvert and rob anybody they can if they can get away with it. The CCP has many domestic rebels living in China and abroad that oppose them. Other than that the Chinese people are an ambitious group though millions of them are slaves or work for substandard wages relative to the work they are doing. They do have billionaires and a middle class of about 300 million or so. What does life look like for the other 1.2 billion residents of China? The CCP is really a drag on the world... They now deny covid came from China. Their ambitions are to rule over the entire world one way or another as they declared shortly after WW2 when they announced a 100 year plan. They also have a morbid organ harvesting program with unwilling donors that are forced to donate and die. They also import drugs to the Mexican cartels and let them smuggle in over our borders. The CCP plays the long game... they want to pretend they are friends with other countries with a couple of exceptions... like Hong King and Tiawan. Eventually they will control the South China Sea and make life in that part of the world a pay to play system... kinda like the Mafia would if they were running it.