I looked at the search examples of close calls and they all had to do with cagers. This one was just me. I was on the way home on the Tuono yesterday, my favorite twisty rural road, zipping along at a spirited pace. It was warm and sunny but it had rained the night before so early in the day, there were damp spots in the road along with a scattering of October leaves. On the way home, about 3pm, the the conditions were much safer. I was in a right hander at good lean about 65 mph, and the front tire slid out, I'm guessing about about 8 inches (which felt like a yard). It put me into a slight wobble as the rear tracked true. I never saw the cause; maybe just a slick spot maybe from residue from leaves previously? The bike is better than I deserve and I came through unscathed other than questioning for a few minutes why I continue to chance disaster every time I ride. A little later on the way home, with a few more conventional curves under my belt, I remembered