Clutch Leaking Problems on 06 Please Help!


I have been experiencing clutch fluid lost for the past year. I first noticed the problem when I got stuck in 6th gear. When I got home I noticed that I had very little clutch fluid. I filled it up (no i did not bleed it) and everything was great. So its riding season again and I noticed that my reservoir is very low again. So I am now trying to tackle this problem. I have attached some pictures below before cleaning. It is hard to determine where it is from but my guess is the clutch release cylinder. I have wiped everything down in hopes that I can get an idea where the leak is from. 3 hours later and everything still feels dry. Any ideas?


I would pull the cover off that front sprocket.. Maybe your clutch slave is they get old they start to throw fluid out of it on the back of that case and your chain..
Does your chain look clean?

sent from my busa
Its kinda hard to see in the pics but at the base of the clutch slave on the sprocket housing it looks like that there is alot of paint removed from i say your in the right area..also could be that banjo that line tight?

sent from my busa

Thanks for the reply and the help. Last night I checked and it is leaking again. I have attached a picture with the location.


I would pull the cover off that front sprocket.. Maybe your clutch slave is they get old they start to throw fluid out of it on the back of that case and your chain..
Does your chain look clean?

My chain is fairly clean but I do clean it every 600 miles or so but I rubbed behind the cover and it is full of oil. I also believe that the clutch slave is leaking.


Its kinda hard to see in the pics but at the base of the clutch slave on the sprocket housing it looks like that there is alot of paint removed from i say your in the right area..also could be that banjo that line tight?

Yes the line is very tight. Also, I cleaned the area yesterday and identified the spot of the leak. The line was dry at the banjo fitting. See picture below for more info. I have never taken the sprocket cover off. Do you just remove the screws (1-5 identified in the picture) and pull? I did not remove the sensor or two screws on the clutch release cylinder and the cover barely budged. I wanted to confirm before trying to yank it off. I know that there is a rod that gets inserted into the clutch slave just want to be sure that Im not going to ruin something.


Check to make sure that bleeder valve is tight. I would have to say its either that or the slave. Yes, just pull the bolts and pull it. It may be stuck from all of the grime. I thought for sure there was something else holding mine on the 1st time I pulled it. All the bolts were out but it felt like a spring was pulling the cover back tight against the bike. I just gave it a good pull and it popped right off.

I took off the sprocket cover and this is what I am working with.

After a light cleaning you can see that the clutch piston and bore seem worn and are both full of scratches. The washer looks good but I'm going to replace it anyway. Should I replace the entire thing? It is about $84 and I don't know if those scratches are causing the problem. I guess that the conservative route would be to buy the whole thing that way I am sure the problem gets corrected. I would hate to have to do this all over again. Any thoughts?

Looking at this design it seems a little crappy because all of the junk that splatters off the chain hits this spot directly.


Whats what i did..get u a mighty vac if u dont have one..they sell them at autozone for 30 bucks..just look around to find it because people at autozone will have no idea of what u are talking about..

sent from my busa
Whats what i did..get u a mighty vac if u dont have one..they sell them at autozone for 30 bucks..just look around to find it because people at autozone will have no idea of what u are talking about..

sent from my busa

Yes. I bought it at harbor freight with the 20% coupon a couple of months back in anticipation of having to bleed the clutch. I have not used it yet.
It's a leaky rubber seal. The one near your thumb in the 1st and 2nd pics of the last post with pics. This is a closed loop system that stops at the piston, so there's no way fluid can get inside your housing like that unless the seal is leaking. You just needed a new rubber seal on the piston and you'd be back in business, but hopefully the newer one you got is problem free!
Yes. I figured but the service manual also mentions to inspect for scratches and damage to the piston. To be sure the problem was solved I ordered the entire thing. Cost about $85 shipped. I'm actually more suprised on the bad design. It is almost designed to fail as there is nothing to protect it from any dirt or grime from the chain. Its only a matter of time.

In Germany we got an Aftermarket sleeve for that Problem.
Its Called ASBS it costs 35€.
Every Busa Rider i know got thins thing in his busa.

It prevents this section to get worn out by dirt, grease, etc

Maybe this would be also an option to prevent this kind of problems on your side of the water

heres a link to a Hayabusa specialised shop in Germany, Maybe he would ship world wide...

Schutz fr Kupplungsnehmerzylinder - K-F-Z GmbH
In Germany we've got an Aftermarket Part to protect the Piston, its Called ASBS
It costs 30-35€ and every Busa Rider i know got this small thing in his Busa. It fits in the Gen I and the Gen II Busa.

Maybe The shop that is selling this Parts in Germany ships Worlwide...

Here is a link to that Part in the Shop
KOJAKS Turbo Hayabusa POWER SHOP -- Turbo Hayabusa Umbau Zubehör Teile

Greetz from Germany

This looks very interesting. I will look into it. Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:

New update. I got the new clutch slave (bought the entire thing). As you can see by the pictures below, the new version includes a rubber cover. Lets see if this will hold up. I looked into the German product that Hayabusa_K6 mentioned but it did not seem that they would ship to the states. Once installed I waited 5 days before installing the fairings. No leaks so far. Thanks everyone for all the help.
