clutch ?'s


Donating Member
I was told today that I should be/can be shifting without using the clutch. Is this correct. I've never tried this on any other bike, let alone the busa. I don't want to screw anything up.
If you can reach the clutch when you go to shift, you didn't twist it hard enough!!
only on the upshift.. never down..and blip the throttle slightly before you hit the shifter. another tip is to 'preload' the shifter before actually shifting.. in other words, just apply very slight pressure to the shifter beforehand.. makes a huge difference to getting a clean and fast shift.
Was told the same thing by the mechanic I use. Going from 1st to 2nd I still use the clutch, but there on up I just shift.. rpm's up... let off throttle maybe 10-20%. shift.. get on the throttle again. seems to work most of the time, there were some hard shifts in the beginning.. still use the clutch in traffic though.
does not useing the clutch lever on up shifts cause premature clutch wear? in my head it does but im not sure.

Bajabug... I would think the opposite is true. Shifting without using the clutch means the clutch is not disengaged - therefore avoiding the plate friction on take-up. I'm no mechanic, but to me that would imply longer clutch life.

Mine shifted beautifully from 2nd upwards without the clutch. I used to have a problem shifting into 6th (not a positive shift - needed a firmer/longer shift action) but that cleared itself up once the bike had a few miles on it. Did anyone else have that or was it a quirk of mine only ?