
Donating Member
Ok, at my work here is the scenario

I have an auditorium that has a computer switch box with 4 computers inputs hooked up to it. The keyboard and mouse inputs are PS/2

This way I can run one keyboard and one mouse out to the podium and the presenter can switch between 4 different systems.

The video feed is going to a video splitter that sends the signal to the monitor on the podium and the projector.

Keyboard and mouse controller are wireless

And for a mouse I am using a trackman live. It is a hand held device with a roller ball and 2 buttons.

The room’s use is probably 90% power point presentations, so all that needs to be done is have the power point loaded and they use the trackman live to click through the slides.

Here is the problem, 50% of the people say the trackman live is a piece of dog done and they hate it and just want a regular mouse on the podium and use the keyboard to advance slides

The other 50% of the people love the trackman and hate having to use the keyboard to advance slides.

So I tell everyone, no matter what I do I am not going to make everyone happy.

So then this “individualâ€￾ says “just have both, have a remote clicker and have a mouse on the podium. And I tell her that to the best of my knowledge that is not possible without making the system more complicated (which everyone will complain about that).

The she argues saying she is sure it can be done, just make it happen.

Ok, first off, there is a separate issue as far as whether she was joking or not and her need to stay in her world and get out of mine, but that is something I will take care of separately.

Here is my long awaited question.

Is there a away to incorporate basically two mice controlling devices and have them both be active at the same time AND use a KVM switch?

I have one computer that I have two keyboards hooked to, and they both work at the same time, however one keyboard is plugged into the PS/2 port and the other one is plugged into the USB port. (long explanation as to why I have two keyboards, but it works)

Anyone have a solution for me?
Is there a away to incorporate basically two mice controlling devices and have them both be active at the same time AND use a KVM switch? [/QUOTE]

Yes it is!! Any of the later operating systems will allow you to have multiple pointing devices plugged in... a crude example would be a laptop which has a track pad... and you can plug in the usb mouse!! so the pointer on the screen is one... but both the devices can take controll of the point when nevessary....
Is there a away to incorporate basically two mice controlling devices and have them both be active at the same time AND use a KVM switch?

Yes it is!! Any of the later operating systems will allow you to have multiple pointing devices plugged in... a crude example would be a laptop which has a track pad... and you can plug in the usb mouse!! so the pointer on the screen is one... but both the devices can take controll of the point when nevessary....[/QUOTE]
Shenoyp -

Thanks for the input, but the reason I went into great detail was to try and emphasize the need not only for two pointing devices, but the pointing devices NEED to go through the KVM switch.

I know with USB technology you can have two keyboards, two mice etc. But I have not seen any KVM switches yet that incorporate USB into the switch technology

If anyone knows of a KVM switch that uses USB instead of PS/2, please let me know, that would not only solve this problem, but other “challengesâ€￾ I have.
Tell them to quit relying on technology so much and give 'em a chalkboard.
Actually I have threatened to take EVERYTHING away and leave them with an

They don’t lock up much, and they are easy to re-boot
secretely replace the pc with a etch-a-sketch they will never know the difference !! hehe
Hey Thrasher, try this PS/2 Splitter

Never used one, but it might work. Let us know how it turns out
THAT my friend I think is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

I did find some USB KVM switch boxes. But what you just provided me looks like it will be the shortest, cheapest and most straightforward solution.

Thank you very much.

Thanks to everyone else for the inputs also!!!
This will work fine if both mice are NOT PS/2 type. You can use 1 PS/2, and 1 USB, 1 serial and 1 PS/2, 1 serial and 1 USB, or both USB.