Congressman John Murtha dead...

John Murhta was a hard core in your face democrat indeed. However, one must respect his deep convictions towards the far left agenda.

May he RIP!
It doesn't matter what his opinion was. He represented his district and continued to do so (obviously since they continued to vote him in.) I respect him as a war veteran, and I appreciate his service.

I won't comment on anything else, because frankly his opinions are what i find least desirable.
Yes it does matter what his opinion was how he conducted "business" in Wash
regardless of his constituents...he is an unscrewpulous individual and I can't
say I'm sorry...the POS can follow Kennedy...the morning after, the world is a little
better place.


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Consistent re-election means that he had the approval of his constituents. Aside from actual illegal activities, I'm not sure how you can disapprove of how he did his job. He wasn't "your" congressman. :poke: I didn't like him either, but you can't disenfranchise voters simply because you disagree.
Consistent re-election means that he had the approval of his constituents. Aside from actual illegal activities, I'm not sure how you can disapprove of how he did his job. He wasn't "your" congressman. :poke: I didn't like him either, but you can't disenfranchise voters simply because you disagree.

Where does it say you have to be in that district to disapprove of their political
activities...if he's or whoever, is spending and stealing TAXPAYER money
that affects us all...:wtf:

Kennedy was a POS, just because Mass. was stupid enough to be in Kennedy
love fest and continue to re-elect does not speak for the moral character of
the man...:banghead:

I am with you 1,000%

Murtha was a hard core Liberal and Democrat with evil intentions.
Maybe, if these Libs keep dropping, we will have a great country after all....

Here Pelosi Pelosi, here
I think you guys misunderstand. One can dislike and even hate some (or all) of the actions from anyone. But you can also respect someone for their decision to go to war and to work on behalf of their constituents. I realize it's a hard pill to swallow for most people, but you need to give credit where credit is due. That doesn't mean we can't hate him too.

One can admire Hitler for being one of the world's most formative leaders....but we hate him for the atrocities he committed.
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It does create an interesting situation, another Democratic seat that will now go to re-election.
I am a Viet Nam Veteran from the United States Marine Corps and NEVER would ridicule/insult a deceased Marine, Democrat, Republican or Independant. Our Country is great because of that is lessened because of your words( I refer to "POS"). Doyle Smith
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I agree with Raydog; while his politics might have been kooky, he at least had the guts to put his butt on the line, which is more than I can say about a lot of 'armchair quarterbacks' we have in the American public.

Murtha did a lot to help the people in his district. Much of the area her represented was hit very hard when the steel industry took a nose dive. The money he brought in created many jobs that is why he was re-elected. Like him of hate him he took care of the people in his district.

I'm sure he's down where he belongs.
But I think 'fiscal conservative' might be....
Could be, but only if they lay out up front that they will have to tax more, be it through raising existing taxes, or levying new ones. There can be no more semantics games, no more half truths. Honesty, what a refreshing change....