considering the ultimate, built or bought?

U can daily a turbo. You can even tour on a turbo, there’s a nice black one on here, he rides that thing everywhere two up and stuff.

What’s your budget? If you can remove and replace some parts, have some space, own a torque wrench, u can do it yourself. Transmission needs to get sent out.
Yes! thats what I want! Something I can do 400mi days on as well as semi daily and commute if necessary without spending the whole day worrying about reliability issues. The whole tranny issue kinda threw a wrench in my original budget. What would you say is a fair price for a turbo build? or a completed bike? Thanks for the reply!
I bought a Gen 1 turbo bike with an MCExpress turbo kit on a built motor for $8500. I’ve put about $5k in it so far with a lot more to go. It gets expensive quick. oh and I haven’t ridden it yet except for a quick test ride down the street. Just getting it up to where I want it first.
I bought a Gen 1 turbo bike with an MCExpress turbo kit on a built motor for $8500. I’ve put about $5k in it so far with a lot more to go. It gets expensive quick. oh and I haven’t ridden it yet except for a quick test ride down the street. Just getting it up to where I want it first.
Hi. What have you done to it so far and you are correct about the $ it adds up fast. If you want to call 508-496-3312.
U can spend 25k on a turbo easy. But u don’t have to if your goal is touring.
Damn! yea, I'm not looking for a track beast at all. I mean maybe once or twice a year (literally) I would take it to a "run what ya brung" event in the IE of CA and hope for low 10s(even tho I really don't care)but streetability, slabability, and short blasts in the middle of nowhere is what I want. I read a lot on this and it seems gen1 turbos fare better, at least in the reliability(which is PARAMOUNT) area. If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me. Ima be honest, 25k is a lil over what I can afford. I LOVE Suzuki, have since the first time I saw a gsxr1100 as a kid, however I have grown to love power at least as much if not more. Thanks for ur opinion and time.
Damn! yea, I'm not looking for a track beast at all. I mean maybe once or twice a year (literally) I would take it to a "run what ya brung" event in the IE of CA and hope for low 10s(even tho I really don't care)but streetability, slabability, and short blasts in the middle of nowhere is what I want. I read a lot on this and it seems gen1 turbos fare better, at least in the reliability(which is PARAMOUNT) area. If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me. Ima be honest, 25k is a lil over what I can afford. I LOVE Suzuki, have since the first time I saw a gsxr1100 as a kid, however I have grown to love power at least as much if not more. Thanks for ur opinion and time.
Hi. I am not done and I have $70,000.00 In mine. I also have $30,000.put aside for the bike now and I will need more.
Damn! yea, I'm not looking for a track beast at all. I mean maybe once or twice a year (literally) I would take it to a "run what ya brung" event in the IE of CA and hope for low 10s(even tho I really don't care)but streetability, slabability, and short blasts in the middle of nowhere is what I want. I read a lot on this and it seems gen1 turbos fare better, at least in the reliability(which is PARAMOUNT) area. If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me. Ima be honest, 25k is a lil over what I can afford. I LOVE Suzuki, have since the first time I saw a gsxr1100 as a kid, however I have grown to love power at least as much if not more. Thanks for ur opinion and time.

It’ll run low tens stock if u can ride halfway well. Probably $5k for a good turbo setup brand new. But used is fine if it’s taken care of. I bought my turbo setup used, but put new pistons and rods and etc. but it came off a good setup.