Continuing turbo troubles


Pulled everything off the bike, disassemebled the turbo and cleaned out all the oil. Gasket acutally looks OK, it's just cut funny so a bit extra hangs out the bottom of the turbo. Cleaned oil from the turbo all the way to the throttle bodies, the stuff was everywhere. Checked out the suspect line, looked OK to me. Reassembled everything, even used silicon for anything threading into a place where boost could escape. Fired it up, and took it for a spin. Same crap happening. No boost, leaking oil, and when I got back and pulled the airfilter, oil poured out. Waste gate has been venting, but I'm not seeing any boost (either feeling it, or the tell tale gauge showing it). Mr. Turbo is closed on the weekends, so any thoughts?
did you try to turn the allen screw in clockwise on the wastegate? please e-mail me so I can get in touch with you about my problems
You shouldn't be getting anything out of wastegate until boost pressure gets up to where you have it set. Did spring in wastegate fail? Still suspect bearing. You did look it over good?
I've got the Mr Turbo map for 7 lbs boost loaded right now. Not sure what the settings are, but I can pull the map up and check. Lucky, my e-mail is, drop me a line. About everything that can go wrong has, so I may have a few answers :) Heading back outside to pull it off again and give it another look over. Not as sick as yesterday, so maybe I overlooked something while tired. Waste gate screw seems to be all the way in, I find that suspicous.
Your turbine bearing oil seal is blown or you have blow by the rings into the crankcase which puts oil into the breather....only places you could be getting oil from....both BAD....turbine seal is not to bad to this a rayjay turbo? Good Luck...been down this road many many times.....
If your getting oil out of the exhaust it must be coming through the turbo seal on the turbine side. If you are not getting boost the most likely cause would be a leak on the exhaust header or a leak between the compressor and the cylinder head. That is assuming the turbocharger is spooling up. Its also possible that it is not.
Anybody know how the turbines come apart? Nut is off the air side, but not sure if it screws onto the axle, or the nut was the only thing holding it on. Fan blade positions are marked on both in case balance relies on them being reassembled exactly the same way.
Dude what are you doing? You paid 4000.00+ for this turbosystem and your working on it because its puking oil all over the place. As I recall someone else is having this problem as well. You guys need to get a brand spankin new turbo or your money back...this is rediculous!
my hats off to you guys for bieng so understanding....waited for how many months and then the thing dont even work correctly.
I feel for you,
P.S the rajay has a 12 point on the ex turbine and 6 point nut on the compressor side it is reverse threads (clockwise loosens) conterclockwise tightens.
I wouldn't be taking them apart. It could cause more problems dealing with the Kit manufacture. Let them direct the fix.

[This message has been edited by Gary Evans (edited 06 August 2000).]