cool video

neat,,, you ever see that chevy commercial about the trucks and has the Ducati driving around it..

I don't get it.. whats a duc gotta do wif a silverado?

I love that show.. I have to remember to set the DVR for that. It comes on right as I need to be leaving for work every morning.

god that shot of the duc sliding the rear almost gave me wood!

hehe. whats his name is a hell of a driver.. be damned if I'd wanna be drifting that car like that..

i gotta go watch it again.. BRB!
how british people gotta emphasize every word all the time.. it's like everythign they are talking about when they get excited is about to make them drop a load in their skivvies... hehe

Ithat shot of the duc sliding the rear almost gave me wood!

i gotta go watch it again.. BRB!
nice video... I woulda been chewin a hole in the seat if the backside of the bike I was riding did that slide out
God, when is the weather gonna break so I can take my bike out!!!!!!!!
It has broke get riding!!!
Ive been riding to work already
Maybe for you....but my bike is in a shed in the backyard....oh did I say backyard, I meant pond!

The land is waterlogged from all the damned rain that if I tried to take my bike out, I think it would sink in like a swamp.

So, now that the rain has gone and washed all the sand off the roads, I need it to quit, so my yard will dry out.