Well let me know your opinions, I currently have two KBC VR-1 helmets that I had with a previous bike. I really like the helmets as far as fit and comfort. The problem is that they dont cosmetically match my bike of course. Personally I dont ride to look good, but I do like it when things match. Here's the main reason that I have kept them, I had a friend say how well they stood out in trafic. He said that its the first thing you notice and that it had to be a safety factor. Well I know that cagers will pull out in front of a red poka dotted semi, but what the heck, I figure the more the better?? My bike blends in being grey and sliver, and I have charcol colored jacket, the helmet really stands out over these. Just curious to what you guys think??? Also Im kinda a cheap a$$ and dont want to shell out of two new helmets jsut because of the color. Plus my wife would kick my butt if I spend any more money on the busa...