The Beetle bags arrived yesterday...Dark Blue to match my bike. They are absolutely beautiful...just stunning. The bike will look sooo good with these bags. My hats off to Corbin.
Now for the critic. There are a few "things that make you go hmm". This weekend, I am going to the bike show and will present a letter to Corbin complimenting them on their excellence and asking:
What the hell were you thinking when you designed the bags so small? I would think that one of the basic specifications would be that luggage be able to hold a full size helmet. OK, granted, the engineers were limited in how long to make the bags due to turn signals on one end and a potential passenger's leg on the other. Additionally, they were limited in height due to the desire to have mobility by a passenger. But why the heck couldn't the bags gain square footage with width?
What the hell were you thinking when you did not include a carrying handle. I imagine ariving at a destination and desiring to take the luggage inside. Would it be too much to ask to be able to have a secure grip and carry the bags like a suitcase? These freak'n bags are too expensive to risk having them slip out of your arms, crash to the ground, and get scratched up. Why not a simple fold-down handle.
What the hell were you thinking when you designed the bags so they do not stand up very well when placed on a flat surface. The bottom isn't even and it wants to tip over.
What the hell were you thinking when you didn't design these with a quick release. I haven't mounted the bags yet, but it does not appear as though they pop on and off once the hardware is installed. Perhaps a lot of riders will leave th bags on permanently. However, I can't be the only rider who would like to use the bags to transport luggage, but would like to leave the bags in the hotel while cruising at a particular destination. Am I expected to unload my stuff and carry my underwear thru the hotel under my arms? What if it is raining?
With all that said, I think I am going to like the bags. They look great! As a single rider, I could probably make it work for a week-long trip (provided I don't want to take an extra helmet for the groupies). For a couple, I think we are looking at overnight or a weekend. But geeze. If Corbin doesn't have it, I am going to suggest that they form a Users Advisory Group. This seems like market research 101 to me.
Now for the critic. There are a few "things that make you go hmm". This weekend, I am going to the bike show and will present a letter to Corbin complimenting them on their excellence and asking:
What the hell were you thinking when you designed the bags so small? I would think that one of the basic specifications would be that luggage be able to hold a full size helmet. OK, granted, the engineers were limited in how long to make the bags due to turn signals on one end and a potential passenger's leg on the other. Additionally, they were limited in height due to the desire to have mobility by a passenger. But why the heck couldn't the bags gain square footage with width?
What the hell were you thinking when you did not include a carrying handle. I imagine ariving at a destination and desiring to take the luggage inside. Would it be too much to ask to be able to have a secure grip and carry the bags like a suitcase? These freak'n bags are too expensive to risk having them slip out of your arms, crash to the ground, and get scratched up. Why not a simple fold-down handle.
What the hell were you thinking when you designed the bags so they do not stand up very well when placed on a flat surface. The bottom isn't even and it wants to tip over.
What the hell were you thinking when you didn't design these with a quick release. I haven't mounted the bags yet, but it does not appear as though they pop on and off once the hardware is installed. Perhaps a lot of riders will leave th bags on permanently. However, I can't be the only rider who would like to use the bags to transport luggage, but would like to leave the bags in the hotel while cruising at a particular destination. Am I expected to unload my stuff and carry my underwear thru the hotel under my arms? What if it is raining?
With all that said, I think I am going to like the bags. They look great! As a single rider, I could probably make it work for a week-long trip (provided I don't want to take an extra helmet for the groupies). For a couple, I think we are looking at overnight or a weekend. But geeze. If Corbin doesn't have it, I am going to suggest that they form a Users Advisory Group. This seems like market research 101 to me.