Corbin Seat



I ordered mine three weeks ago.
Has anyone received one yet and/or how long have you been waiting?
I was told three weeks ago it would take 6-8 weeks and I decided to not order now...let us know when you get it and what you think of it...Thanks!
Corbin seat arrived 5 minutes ago !
F***N I will be comfy 4 a few months b/4 the y2k-12 !!

I feel sorry for all you who put out mulah
for Second-look and Gel butt seat from suzuki.

Three weeks to door hand made per each order !

gotta ride..........
How much does it weigh? Some of the non gel
Corbin stuff is amazingly heavy. How much more than the stock seat?
Los Angeles
My 2 cents on this seat thing? I think the manufacturers are catching up with Corbin and that the Busa seat is one of the best OE sport bike seats yet. It takes a lot of lessons from Corbin. It's flat, wide, soft-padded, shaped to human anatomy in the plan view (it could use a little cupping like Corbin does), and is covered with rough material so you don't slide around unwillingly.

I don't believe the Corbin seat's going to prove to be much an improvement over this one, if any.

And Corbin still wants the same old prices as he did in 1990!

To me, Corbin seats and their phony vinyl pressed pattern and piping look like old technology...more at home on a V-Max than a Busa.

Corbin seats were outstandingly better than OE in their time, and he's now making (or at least selling) ground-breaking luggage in his Beetle Bags (check his site).

I'd like to see him put his creative design and engineering skills to use on some new, more improveable aspects of wind screens, bars, pegs, passenger rests, lighting packages....

Am I talking sacrilege here?
The seat rocks a solid 9.9
Fit= 10
Comfort= 10

The first thing you notice is the beautiful
attention to detail and fine packing job the men at Corbin did.

The Seat was a perfect fit and reaches and covers the tank area to a T.

When you compare the seats, the Stock seat is
a cheap, flat, piece of foam. Compared to the Quality Leather (Smell and all)and shape of this piece of art !

The ride was off the hinges...
I was put lower and in better position.
no wonder these things are called Gunfighters.
My wheelstands have more control and I am getting less drifting with better input from my body.
not to mention night and day 1000% more comfort.
Lot less of that sore feeling after the long ride I took yesterday.

Makes the back passenger foam look sad to say the least...if you have never owned a corbin, get it...if you would like the best mount a cowboy could have for his machine.

Otherwise settle for less...
Stock seat for sale...
Hey men pictures are available at corbins site.

Yes, it is heavier than stock by feel.
BLACK BUS: I stand corrected.

Didn't know the suckers were leather, either, even though I had one on my V-Max.

One question. How can the Corbin seat you lower down? The stock one is virtually on the subframe.

Glad you're enjoying it!
Yes, very leather and very nice work...

it is as if you had the stock seat on and imajine if you would or go feel your seat and pretend you scooped the foam out. You would sit lower except you would be comfy. (on the corbin seat) The shape is not the same but really fits well and butts up to everything nicely...

All you do to install is remove old seat, unscrew the mounting hardware, put it on the correct spot on Corbin and reattach to bike.

Trust me this poop is the Bomb...