Crack Seal Sliding


Ever blast through a nice sweeper just to have your perfect line destroyed by some new crack seal on the road?

What are your experiences w/ this lovely stuff the DOT likes to put in your path???

Me - I know it's on all the roads around here so I have intentionally, at times, gone on it while in a turn. This let's me feel what happens and adds a bit of confidence to my riding. There are a set of sweepers that I run at about 100mph w/ crack seal all over them. Wierd feeling when the road is hot...
Oh I hate that stuff. It is everywhere in Illinois. I think of them as three differrent compounds that are different from road to road. All are unsettling to hit unexpectedly. I've noticed the glossy type, which is very slippery and usually put down in three inch strips. The flat black type, which is usually thinner and is less slippery than the glossy type. The brownish-black type, which is almost like the road surface but usually has a little bump in it.
The road from Loveland Colorado to Rocky Mtn Nat'l park used to be just solid sealer in some places.  Get caught in that in the rain on a twisty mountain road...Serious pucker factor...  Not much in Florida though...Just random sinkholes....   :biggrin:
That stuff sucks but I have found that it mostly just feels weird. Kind of the same thing happens riding over grids and grooved pavement (NC has that crap everywhere). It feels like the bike is swerving everywhere uncontrollably (and it is on a very small scale) but generally it is safe if you are cool and don't overreact to what you might perceive as a problem that requires evasive action.

Here in VA I too have actually rode thru these streakes on purpose just to get used to them and see what they do to steering response. No big deal, I survived and learned at the same time so that when some of it sneaks up on me I am prepared.

But no matter how you slice it, to hit a patch in a high speed sweeper is quite unnerving. If you have a hyper sensitive bike (like my CBR954RR was) the feedback thru the bars can be frightening to say the least. Feels like the bike is about to steer away from you out of control but it really is no big deal.
You guys want a real interesting surface? Ride over a metal grate drawbridge in the rain...Man talk about having to talk yourself down and relax.... Then try braking for the light that just changed while still on said metal grate...I had to have my seat recovered...puckered right up....and...well you get the idea...

Wet sealant is spooky though, especially at night when you have been on the road for 8 hours or so and it all starts looking like different animals or something up ahead..kinda... out of the corner of your eye? Or have I said too much?
you guys haven't seen nothing till you get "slurry seal"this is a road paving method they are using in california;where they put down tar, then cover it with gravel, and let the gravel "set" into the tar, this process takes a couple of weeks and when its done,voila;nice new pavement that has gravel breaking loose for the rest of time,absolutely horrible.i am wondering how many people i can recruit to bring a class action against the state,this crap has got to stop!
Just road over some for about 1/2 mile in the rain .... if you are talking about the grated pavement that looks like someone took a rake to ... it definitely tightened the splincter muscles
Just road over some for about 1/2 mile in the rain .... if you are talking about the grated pavement that looks like someone took a rake to ... it definitely tightened the splincter muscles
no,we have that here too(it looks like a ski slope just after it has been groomed?). slurry seal is worse;it's like a gravel road with only slightly more traction,it seems like it is designed to keep you doing the speed limit.
yup, pucker factor is high around any of this sh*t! I have some beuTfull corners around here and oh ya theres gotta be somthin that slows ya down around em, sealing stripes! I rode my friends R1 the other day<<<<<<<<<<<<< you think we got it bad, try riding a 380lb bike over this stuff when you just got off the bus!
Gotta say that I'm happy to neverhave tried the slurry seal. My fav is when they get ready to resuface concreate and prep the surface..Miles of parralell grooves running in your direction of travel. Of course they dont go straight, they zig and zag. When you finally get off them you feel like you just got off a boat. Weird
you guys haven't seen nothing till you get "slurry seal"this is a road paving method they are using in california;where they put down tar, then cover it with gravel, and let the gravel "set" into the tar,  this process takes a couple of weeks and when its done,voila;nice new pavement that has gravel breaking loose for the rest of time,absolutely horrible.i am wondering how many people i can recruit to bring a class action against the state,this crap has got to stop!
They do the samething in CT where i use to live. It was always fun in the car but I would HATE to find that stuff on the Busa.
Gotta say that I'm happy to neverhave tried the slurry seal. My fav is when they get ready to resuface concreate and prep the surface..Miles of parralell grooves running in your direction of travel. Of course they dont go straight, they zig and zag. When you finally get off them you feel like you just got off a boat.  Weird
Ain't that the truth? It feels like the bike is going to wag its self inside out.
Gotta say that I'm happy to neverhave tried the slurry seal. My fav is when they get ready to resuface concreate and prep the surface..Miles of parralell grooves running in your direction of travel. Of course they dont go straight, they zig and zag. When you finally get off them you feel like you just got off a boat.  Weird
Yessir, and lets not forget the nice freakin LEDGE of DEATH they like to leave when doing this stuff. You gotta swing over into the freakin median line up and goose the throttle just to get up onto the good pavement...only to have it end in 500ft...Grrr.

They do that slurry seal crap in Colorado too. Cheep bastards...
Gotta say that I'm happy to neverhave tried the slurry seal. My fav is when they get ready to resuface concreate and prep the surface..Miles of parralell grooves running in your direction of travel. Of course they dont go straight, they zig and zag. When you finally get off them you feel like you just got off a boat.  Weird
Yessir, and lets not forget the nice freakin LEDGE of DEATH they like to leave when doing this stuff.  You gotta swing over into the freakin median line up and goose the throttle just to get up onto the good pavement...only to have it end in 500ft...Grrr.

They do that slurry seal crap in Colorado too.  Cheep bastards...
:rofl: Going off the edge isn't all bad but I have yet to try to climb back up the wall. :crazy: