crashless ride report #2745


Donating Member
Me and my 636 bud went out for good ol fun riding today. No specific location, no purpose, no time frame, no bad weather, no crashing! We just cruised around a bit outside of town, where it's safe and clear and deerless... then headed south on this infamous cycling road that leads to Winterset. It was smooth, the air was cool so the bikes were 'perky' and well... VERY perky. Kept it safe, keep the line. Swung wide on one sweeper and just leaned it over more and all was fine. I don't find twisties as fun or safe feeling after having hammered on a track for a while, I might never feel that way again. Oh well, the track is ALWAYS there. Never the less it was a great time but cut short by a call from a wife and we headed back home the same way we came but a zippier pace since we knew the roads.

In the Winterset stop, I made the mistake of angering the Squirrel Gods by.... nudging a deceased one with my toe [on purpose] that was in the center of the street. So on the way home there were three [3!] THREE TIMES a squirrel on the side of the road was determined to make a suicide run in front of us. All three times my horn scared them back to the safety of the ditch, but it just seemed funny and oddly coincidental. Then on the final strait with zero traffic I took the far lane and we rolled on to 150 side by side [closed track in Mexico, professional riders only of course] which was quite fun looking over and seeing another bike about 4 feet right next to you.

Pic: strait run

Pic: kneedown

[Tip: the ride was real, the pics were preride for fun]

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WWJD I like the leathers man. It's good to see some of us
westerners appreciate total body protection. I think I'd have
one heck of a time finding some to fit this trunk!
WWJD I like the leathers man.  It's good to see some of us
westerners appreciate total body protection.  I think I'd have
one heck of a time finding some to fit this trunk!
I don't leave home without them! Back protector is on the way. Keep looking BD, or you can order custom also I hear
Damn WWJD...I thought you were well beyond needing training wheels after 10K!

Glad you had a good ride...