Crazy 911 video i found on google

It does raise a few questions.
I was at The Trade Center and witnessed the destruction and devastion first hand in the hours after. I just sat and watched the entire video and have to say I may have a question or two now. It's been almost 5 years of me saying "No Way" and not giving any credibility to these theories, but that perfect 6-8' hole in the inner wall at the pentagon looks a bit more suspicious this time... The documentary was well thought out and compiled professionally.
I love my country and would hope this is absolutely incorrect. To even think that so many lives were lost for the personal gain of a few just makes me angry.
It's just more Micheal Moore type of BS and Hype. I've watched the video a few times, and it's nothing but conspiracy theory Bullshid.

There were many MANY, Eyewitnesses that clearly saw an airliner plow into the side of the Pentagon.

This kind of thing is simple designed to get folks wierded out. Think of it as A Work of Fiction mutch like a Horror movie. Designed to get a response. It's 100% fabrication, manipulation of fact, and Poor, PISS POOR Conclusions....

Crappity crap crap...
It's just more Micheal Moore type of BS and Hype.  I've watched the video a few times, and it's nothing but conspiracy theory Bullshid.  

There were many MANY, Eyewitnesses that clearly saw an airliner plow into the side of the Pentagon.

This kind of thing is simple designed to get folks wierded out.  Think of it as A Work of Fiction mutch like a Horror movie.  Designed to get a response.  It's 100% fabrication, manipulation of fact, and Poor, PISS POOR Conclusions....

Crappity crap crap...
I'll just say, a VERY good friend of mine knew someone on the plane that ran into the pentagon... I believe it was a plane. I agree with Revlis... Michael Moore style BS!
Sure gets ya thinkin though!!! Like perfect placed shots from a crapy rifle standing, when the best i can manage from bench rest @ 200 yds is 5 in 1" group from my best! Pentigon looks fishy and was from the start! They need to nip this in the BUD!!!!
Ditto on Rev's post. It is doing what it was intended to do, make people think twice and always mistrust their government. Shamefull really that anybody beleives that crap. There is another video out, not sure where to find again, that debunks all of it.
let me ask 1 thing....why would you trust the goverment that consistantly does NOT do things in the best intrest of the general public but consistantly DOES THINGS for only the you belive everything you read...not one of you said this "I WAS THERE"... so you only have again second hand an aviation educated individual...yes...every bit of what was stated not only from my schooling and my education makes sence but i am unwilling to blindly look the other way...there is NO WAY a 757 hit the pentegon or another plane crashed in pa...of all the crashes i HAD TO STUDY as part of my education...had so LITTLE evidence or REMAINS!!!!!!!! WAKE UP...being patriotic means loving your country...but it also means (and our country was founded on this premise) do not TRUST THOSE WHO GOVERN YOU!!!!!!
(chrisjp @ Sep. 07 2006,12:02) let me ask 1 thing....why would you trust the goverment that consistantly does NOT do things in the best intrest of the general public but consistantly DOES THINGS for only the you belive everything you read...not one of you said this "I WAS THERE"... so you only have again second hand an aviation educated individual...yes...every bit of what was stated not only from my schooling and my education makes sence but i am unwilling to blindly look the other way...there is NO WAY  a 757 hit the pentegon or another plane crashed in pa...of all the crashes i HAD TO STUDY as part of my education...had so LITTLE evidence or REMAINS!!!!!!!!  WAKE UP...being patriotic means loving your country...but it also means (and our country was founded on this premise) do not TRUST THOSE WHO GOVERN YOU!!!!!!
Your right the goverment is eveil and is out to get us all, quick lets wait till the next commet comes by so we can all kill our selfs and jump on it.
Watch the Loose change documentary.

it's not some crackpot, it's scientists and proffesors of major universities. It raises some VERY GOOD questions. Take the time to watch it before you cry BS. I believed all the crap the gov't was spoonfeeding us until I saw this. I'm not telling you to believe anything, just watch it and then tell me what you think.
(Revlis @ Jul. 22 2006,15:49) It's just more Micheal Moore type of BS and Hype. I've watched the video a few times, and it's nothing but conspiracy theory Bullshid.

There were many MANY, Eyewitnesses that clearly saw an airliner plow into the side of the Pentagon.

This kind of thing is simple designed to get folks wierded out. Think of it as A Work of Fiction mutch like a Horror movie. Designed to get a response. It's 100% fabrication, manipulation of fact, and Poor, PISS POOR Conclusions....

Crappity crap crap...
It DOES raise very valid questions and descrepincies.