Crazy Insane Bike Crash


Do not think its a Busa though. Here is the
Video[/url], absolutely nuts and he lands on his feet and flicks the driver off! LOL

Found this
Video[/url] also and its pretty funny, the title is 'explain this to your insurance company'.
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ya just knew in the second vid, when the tire started heading for the cars someone was getting a big dent

the guy on the bike is fortunate and im not sure what tongue hes speakin' but im sure he used some cuss words in there
man.. looks like she ran the signal.. he sure looked pretty mad, though lol... she just stood there like.. "what the heck just happened... where am I... wonder what's for dinner.... is he yelling at ME?
?" in the heck did this guy live (even if he had gear on) much less get up and walk away...
The "guy getting up" after the crash is very common. Truth is he's probably busted up pretty good and as soon as the adrenaline wheres off he will collapse. Been there, done that ! At that moment your in shock (no pain)and you hop up to prove to yourself that your OK. I wonder how he was acting 20 minutes later.