crazy rider

nice video. I guess shorts and tank tops are whats in style for stunters now? The end of the video pretty much speaks for me.
Not condoning, just posting.
(300Busa @ Dec. 03 2006,18:53) nice video.  I guess shorts and tank tops are whats in style for stunters now?  The end of the video pretty much speaks for me.
Ya gotta look cool doin it.

They are living on borrowed time, and making all of us look bad in the mean time.
While it is fun to watch such stupidity, the fact remains that it is stupidity. I am sure 10 years from now when my son has his first street bike he will learn the fun of doing wheelies etc. Hopefully I will have taught him better than to do this kind of stupid shtuff on the streets and in traffic. I'm guessing a few of these young men will die from these antics and the others will eventually grow up. Sadly without their buddies.