Cush Drive Play????


I have my new sprocket and took off the rear
wheel today... however I am wondering if
someone has a NEW Busa and can check the
play to see if I am being paranoid here...
Grab the top and bottom of the sprocket/chain
and just push on the top and bottom back and forth
for me and let me know how much it moves..
I have new rubbers so I will replace it but I am
not sure if that will totally rectify it.. bearings
were checked last summer and replaced ....

Oh yeah and one pick is the old sprocket
compared with the 43 tooth new one...

Yeah don't let the old sprocket fool you
I purposely put goo on it so you could see
the difference in size....

OK maybe I didn't but hey it was cold this
winter and I didn't have a chance to clean it..
besides the goo keeps it from rusting....









hey I just changed the chain/sprockets and cush drive on mine at 20+k and what a difference man its tight just like when it was new !!!!! with the old cush there was a little play in there now with the new cush its tight and no play what a change for the better !!!!!!
Well... I never before thought to check for play
there then one day I was just standing by the bike
and gave the old chain a light tap for some reason
and I noticed it had quite a bit of play... just
wondering if the rubbers look bad enough
to warrant that much play.. I am guessing
it is about 3/8-1/4" of total movement..
I wouldn't think sprocket and chain would have
anything to do with the cush drive moving that
much, seems more like a bearing, rubber and or
something else wrong that would cause it ....
and the bearings were done just not the rubbers
Anyone think the rubbers look like their in bad
shape from the pics?

I wouldn't say real bad, but they're definitely worn. Here's a pic of my old and new cush rubbers. Put them on about a month ago. The new ones were so tight, I had to use a little soap on them to get the sprocket/hub to slide into place!

(USN05LE @ Apr. 18 2007,22:11) Omar, how much did you pay for that set of rubbers?

Honestly, I can't recall. I ordered a bunch of stuff from VMAN when I was putting my engine back together; this was in the lot.

I'll see if I can find the ticket...
(omslaw @ Apr. 18 2007,20:07) I wouldn't say real bad, but they're definitely worn. Here's a pic of my old and new cush rubbers. Put them on about a month ago. The new ones were so tight, I had to use a little soap on them to get the sprocket/hub to slide into place!
Well, with how bad your's look in comparison
to mine was your play real bad or not too
bad.. I am just trying to make sure there
is nothing else that could be wrong.

Yeah, I had a lot of play in mine. Figured it was time to replace 'em!
Well, changed the rubbers yesterday before work....
man what a difference... all the play is gone... I did
notice that those grooves you see on the rubbers
that were likely caused from being worn and playing
with the bike of course wasn't the real issue.. altho
it don't look good it isn't the worst of it... when I put
the new rubbers on the sprocket side on those aluminum
tabs they were snug... when I had the old one there
it wasn't even touching on both sides.. same with when
the new rubber was installed where it belongs.. it just
made that gap smaller.. thus making for a snug fit when
the sprocket portion is put back on...

Yeah the liquid dish soap works great on the rubbers...
applied it fairly liberally on the part that pushes into the
rim then checked with a flashlight thru the large holes
to make sure they were fully inserted.. then again
applied dish soap to the top of the rubbers(slits) and
also on the sprocket portion tabs.. liberally I did and
it when on like BUTTER.... tried for the heck of it without
prior to and yeah .. whatever ain't happening less your
arms are as strong as a PRESS machine, likely causing
damage to the rubbers....
