Photos are worth a thousands words.
The bolts, cap covers and rubbler expandable nuts (same type used for your windscreen) can be purchased from Home Depot, Lowes or any.
Using my recommend parts and a overhead mount I came up with this easy fix. The further down you mount it will decrease your chances of getting your radar wet when riding in the rain.
Heres a photo of the caps for covering the bolts and bolts used. The only item not included in the photo above is the expandable nuts. The rubber expandable nuts are located in the same aisle way in Lowes or Home Depot with the other parts.
Example photo of a rubber eExpandable nut .
The bolts, cap covers and rubbler expandable nuts (same type used for your windscreen) can be purchased from Home Depot, Lowes or any.
Using my recommend parts and a overhead mount I came up with this easy fix. The further down you mount it will decrease your chances of getting your radar wet when riding in the rain.
Heres a photo of the caps for covering the bolts and bolts used. The only item not included in the photo above is the expandable nuts. The rubber expandable nuts are located in the same aisle way in Lowes or Home Depot with the other parts.
Example photo of a rubber eExpandable nut .