Cut Out?


Thanks to gsr1300rguy / crazy bill / godzuki31 /oddball for replies...(my busa flopped over, still can't work out how or why). Wallet is much lighter now, the replacement fairing panel cost me £280 (UK). Something else bothering me - although it all happened so quickly, I remember the engine had stopped when the bike was on its side. Is there a built-in auto cut out, because if not, a sudden engine stop may have been the cause. If so, has this happened to anyone else? Engine was difficult to re-start afterwards.
Can you explain "Busa flopped over" in a little more detail. Was this a 1st gear stall and buck when starting out? If yes I have a fix.

If you don't want to talk publicly email me at

The bike does have a tip over sensor that will shutdown the engine in the event of a knockdown.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 10 April 2000).]
If the bike leans more than 43 degrees the fuel will shut off....This is why it shut off on the ground.

For how it got there in the first place that is up to you....could it have been extreme tire spin???? sure is easy to do with a busa! and fun!