
My '99 'busa 14,000 miles-I've had both recalls performed. Latest problem is now on the way to work the ambient temp is +/- 70 degrees, no operatinal problem. After work, it is now about 110-115 degrees. While trying to accelerate at higher engine speeds, (above 6-7k)the engine will start bogging down and will cut out, until the rpm is back down to 'normal'This was both with a 1/2 and a full tank of fuel. Do these things 'vapor lock'? I don't recall this doing this last summer, but I don't always ride that way. Does anyone else ride hard during the heat? It will easily hit 120+ deg pretty soon
There is only one recall the tensioner. the other is a bulletin.
Check to make sure the hoses are routed correctly.If someone doesn't have the piture I will scan it tomorrow night or I can fax it to you tomorrow when I go to work.
Feel the fuel hoses if they are soft and VERY playible replace them
Thanks, Johnnycheese- I will check this when I get a chance, Would this be temperature sensitive? I did buy the Suzuki shop manual. I will have my 15K service performed shortly ps- I spoke to my dealer (150 miles away) I was informed that it basically the "regular" tune up and the valve service. They don't do any type of exhaust/FI/computer analyzing, are there more precise adjustments that need to be performed?
Yes it is heat sensetive.
As for the service at 15k that is all about it nothing magical.
Let me know if your book does not have the hose routing.
Havabusa, have had exactly the same problem with mine. The cure....

1) Mine had a kinked fuel return hose under the tank. As Johnnycheese already mentioned, the hoses under there get bloody hot. When they get hot they turn to butter. The slightest twist in the hose path and they will close completely. Lift up the tank and have agood look at the state of the hoses from end to end. If OK, take great care to make sure they don't twist up again as you lower the tank.

2) Check that you've emptied the air-box service ducts. The one under the air-box on the right hand side gets full of dust and grit. You can see it with the tank up. Just pull it off and clear out the S**T. The other one that ends just above the sprocket, over the gear-shift on the right hand side fills up with oil/water. Squeeze the retaining clip and push it back along the pipe over the lip of the plug, then pull the plug out. Stand to one side as the plug comes out, I've done this after driving through a full week of hard rain and boy you don't half get a deal of water in there.

3) At 14,000 miles I bet even having done the fuel-filter mod they may be starting to get a little silted up again. A little redline injector cleaner will solve this one as long as the're not too clogged up.
Thanks- to both of you. I just remembered that I had my tank up (not off) recently for something unrelated. I probably kinked these
up all by myself. (that's what happens when you try to do a G-Job at work!!)I will probably get these changed during my service. I found out about the fuel screen in the Idaho outback last year also in Phoenix traffic and in the mountains while trying to pass, but it was before Suzuki notified me. I am probably a little paranoid, but only my CBR is for sale. thanks again.