Damn Bike Punks !



Just saw one of these guys stunting on the road... dont understand me wrong, i like watching stunts but not on the public road.

The guy i saw today, crashed nearly into the oncoming traffic.:madfire:
Except for the idiot that did it in traffic, the others looked to be geared up and stunting in the proper environment.

The guy that tried and failed stunting in traffic probably doesn't have a clue how bad someone may have gotten hurt if his bike had made it across the median into on coming traffic.
bugs me just thinkin about those poor bikes!

then i get into the 'what ifs'...
stupid is as stupid does!
It looked like something broke at 1:25 in the video. His front wheel was really going back and forth yet his handlebar looked to be rock solid. Wierd! Bunch of people with more money than brains. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Douchebags. I feel sorry for the bikes, though.

And why do bike/"extreme" sports videos always have to be accompanied by such crappy music? WHY?
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As an FYI, if you ever witness someone crash, never ever pull their helmet off like three last group of guys did.