Deformed Windscreen retainers/ Zero Gravity


I just want you to know that the rubber *wellnuts* that retain the windscreen become deformed over time. When you try to remove them to clean the windscreen or replace the OEM with a Zero Gravity, you may have a hard time pulling them out. Rmove both screws and jiggle the screen about to help them line up with the fairing holes and grab them with a pair of needle nose pliers(put blue masking tape on paint in the surrounding are to protect paint if you slip). Suzuki will sell you new ones for about $5.00 each.

The rubber pieces become deformed under compression and a ridge sets in the rubber making this a pain the a.s.s. to remove and install. If you buy a new screen order new rubber retainers from Suzuki(the Lockhart pieces are not the same).

You can also try cutting the ridge off with a razor blade - Be Careful!

Save the ZG plastic bag and store the OEM in it.
...thanks for the all I need is the wind screen...where you been Kaw? Hapo Happy with Pilots...still getting adjusted, still tend to use too much steering not "stand" as bad as before in mid corner panic seemed oddly sensitve to the wind today....not shur if this is a Hapo-tire coefficient or a function of the stream lined is my understanding that the "dust bin" fairings of the past were banned because of this any case, the Busa seemed affected by cross winds to a greater degree than I remember the TL being...Between DP, Dr. Busa, and the KawAbuser we should hear somthing about this...
Mine were deformed too. But i have had my windscreen off prior to this, so I knew of this small problem. Just spray some windex or other similar soap based cleaner and it goes right in.