Did a 1000 mile ride last weekend


I went on a 1,000 mile two-day ride last Saturday and Sunday with 12 other bikes. It was 500 miles of twisties each day. For those familiar with the area, we left from the Golden Gate Bridge area to Hwy 1, up the 101 to Hwy 36 and spent the night in Red Bluff. The next day we continues on Hwy 36 to Hwy 89, and down Hwy 49.

Thanks to Copperone for telling me about the experinces with the Suzuki Gel Seat, and Vincebusa who sold me his. It was close to 100 degrees and I was tired at the end, but my buns felt fine.

Here was our route.


Here is our rag tag fleet.



Even my Busa got to take care of business during the ride.



You can see the rest of the pictures at this link.

Two Day Ride pictures

I like the pic of the bike in the bathroom!! Hey, when ya gotta, go ya gotta go!!
I know that was a great ride. Thanks for the pics. Looks like that ST1300 was able to keep up. I sold my '03 for the Busa.
That HAD to be full on blast! If not a butt bruiser. Thanks for sharing the pics!!!!
Excellent! in Sane Man! Looks like you took some good roads too!
The only bad part was the first day while on Hwy 36. It got dark 30 miles before we got to Red Bluff where we had reservations, and of course I failed to pack my clear shield like everyone else had!

We were in the middle of nowhere with at least one dead deer sighted on the side of the road, which still had plenty of tight turns. It was 9:30pm when we got to the hotel after a 7am start time.

Would you believe that they roll-up the sidewalks and shut the town down at 10pm?

We couldn't even order a pizza from Pizza Hut, so dinner consisted of cold ham sandwiches and beer from the Quickie Mart. At least the place had an outdoor pool.
Nice ride buddy? 36 is awesome! Yeah we call that town Dead Bluff. It's only 40 miles from here. Redding just north of there is much bigger. How'd u do that map thingy above?

Oh and I allmost went 36 to the coast on sunday but headed up 32 toward lassen instead, sorry i missed ya.

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SaneMan, or rather InSaneMan. 1000 miles?
Daaaamn! My ass just hurts thinking about it...
Nice ride buddy? 36 is awesome! Yeah we call that town Dead Bluff. It's only 40 miles from here. Redding just north of there is much bigger. How'd u do that map thingy above?

Oh and I allmost went 36 to the coast on sunday but headed up 32 toward lassen instead, sorry i missed ya.

I forgot we were up your way. If I would have thought about it, I would have given you a call.

The guy, Deeter who put the ride together made the map. If you have Microsoft's Streets and Maps software, you can create .gifs or .jpgs of a map.