Great morning for maintenance today, cloudy 25ft fog visibilty, so
Changed the clutch fluid, which was well over due, threw a marble in the ole girl! No more back fire, and just a little pop left.
It runs horrible tho under 3k rpms, i have done injector cleaner, new spark plugs, is there any thing else that can be done before i have to take it to the dealer? Could it need a valve adjustment? very sluggish, and rough running.
I also painted my windscreen, needs to be sanded a clear coated,
And last week i noticed that a nice 5 inch long rip in my seat just magically appeared! i hate when things happen and NO ONE seems to know anything about it
Changed the clutch fluid, which was well over due, threw a marble in the ole girl! No more back fire, and just a little pop left.
It runs horrible tho under 3k rpms, i have done injector cleaner, new spark plugs, is there any thing else that can be done before i have to take it to the dealer? Could it need a valve adjustment? very sluggish, and rough running.
I also painted my windscreen, needs to be sanded a clear coated,
And last week i noticed that a nice 5 inch long rip in my seat just magically appeared! i hate when things happen and NO ONE seems to know anything about it