Disappearing Oil


Donating Member
Busa has about 3800 miles now and it's been 2400 since last oil change (Mobil1 Syn). Initially filled it with 3400ml, showed middle of the sight glass, 1000 miles or so later it was at the bottom of the window so in went another 200ml and it was back up in the upper middle of the window. This morning started the bike, let it warm, shut it off, waited 30 minutes, bottom of the window again. Put in another 200ml, check it again here in a bit.
It's not leaking so it has to be burning it, does anybody else's bike use oil? I know it's less than half a quart between 3000 mile changes but my last 2 bikes used no oil in 3000 miles no matter how hard I reamed them.
If this is normal it's no problem, I'll just keep a closer eye on it and add 100ml at a time to keep it in the middle of the window.
Doesn't sound normal to me, mine seems to stay consistant with its oil level. When you rev the motor, do you see any smoke out the tail pipe? Maybe check the air box, I seem to remember someone had a bad hose or something and oil was entering the air box.
Have you pulled the plastics off and checked the whole bike to make sure there isn't a leak? Im sure someone with more knowledge will chime in with a better answer.
My '05 didn't use any oil, the '04 burns a little. No smoking or leaking, just "disappears" like yours, so it's not unheard of.
Make sure you warm it up properly. Go for a ride and recheck. Sometimes if I only run it in the garage for a few minutes the sight glass is wrong. Needs to be properly warmed up, shut it off and then leave it for 1 minute before checking.

Good luck
Just check as stated above. You will also loose some (not a lot) especially in real hot weather when you are on the trottle hard.
I've read that 100ml / 1000 km. would be considered acceptable, even for a new engine.

Don't forget that new Viscous oil is thicker than used oil, so a certain amount of volume would be lost.

But 400 ml seems like alot.
Thanks everyone. Guess I'll just keep an eye on it for now. If it doesn't get any worse it'll have to be alright.
Thanks again everyone.
I had to stop using mobil 1 for the same reason in my eclipse and sti to thin for the turbo seals went to royal purple now all oil always there.
Hmm, starting to sound like it may be more Mobil 1 related than bike related. Looks like I have 2 choices, add a small amount of oil every 750-1000 miles or try a different oil.
Wow I never thought about this "condition" until now. I use Mobil 1 in my truck as well the bike and it too "loses" oil. I get a reminder from the truck message center to check oil about every 3000 miles or so and have to add half a quart. Hmmm, maybe time to pick a new brand.
more than likely been badly run in glazed pot or pots............ if not cracked compression ring empty the oil out put in fully synthetic and see how it goes . sounds like it needs a bit of hammering it will sort its self out if you have got a sticky ring and i mean on the engine
I've got the same problem with my 05 - Mobil Syn 1 here as well. Think I'm going to try another brand next oil change and see if the problem disappears.
I just started using Mobil 1 and my oil light comes on while at idle. Guess it's back to good stuff. Oh yea it's an '03 pumpkin 31,000 also.