do I need a new tire?

TWT racer

Buddy bought a bike last week, and this is the front tire on her
hmmm.... should he replace it? :poke:

IMGxo1 024.jpg
it's one sweet TLR indeed, and with only 34000 k's or 21000 miles on her
But.... the sweet doesn't get to that tire :laugh::laugh:
No new tire needed. That tire is in fine shape as evidenced by the read wear indicators that are clearly visible as lighter colored spots all over the tire - as long as you can see those, you're fine. Once they vanish, THEN you need a new tire. Tread wear indicators are SO much more reliable than that new fangled TPM technology showing up on "modern" bikes. :poke: :laugh:
Am I naive, crazy, uninformed? Do people mount these tires for funny pictures? I basically switch out tires when I see cupping, when tread depth gets too shallow or sidewall rolling surfaces loose their symmetry. It's just a necessary cost of owning a big powerful tire eating class of motorcycle. Doyle
Lol! Tires seldom last more than a 4000 mile oil change interval on my bike.
I did run a rear down to the belt on another bike one time, but I can't see how someone could go that far on a front. Maybe I ask a little more of a front tire than a lot, but I can feel them going off before they are even on the wear bars.