DO Not, I repeat DO NOT speed without fairings!!


Went for a ride today without fairings. Really planned on just chilling. But I started riding with a zx 636, old school zx 6 and a gsxr 6. So i had to represent and show them the reason i ride in theback is becasue i want to be in the back. Well during one of my short bursts on the freeway to about 140-150 I started getting quite a bit of shaking going on. I figured i would but damn. So to test if it was just windy or bad aerodynamics i hit it a few more times. I'm pretty sure it was the "new" aerodynamics. Its cool to cruise, but i would stay away from ballin!! Learn from my experience.
Oh by the way. Its amazing to me that all of those guys on their 6's would start tucking at 110-120. I stay up till i start hitting 150-160 So when i zip past them they think WTF!!! We're tucking and this dude is sitting straight up like WHAT??!
I am not sure either, but for anyone who remembers I just recently had a hole in my right fairing, I had taken it to about 150 a few times before I punched the 4 inch hole in the side, I rode it a few times with the hole in the fairing, a couple of times I took it to about 130, and I swear it did not feel right, same thing as you were saying busabrother, it felt like it was shaking.... I am still not sure if it was the hole, but when it happened the first thing that came to mind was "crap!! I wonder if that hole is causing this"

and since I replaced the fairing last week, no more problems, glides like it used to..

Not sure if it was my imagination or not... but it sure didn't feel right
sounds like the aeros of this machine are very sensitive to holes and alterations made to it.
yep....ya gotta be careful doods. 3 years in the wind tunnel aren't just for fun. On the other side, though, I've been up to about 130, 135 and I have frame sliders on.

Gotta tell ya...smooth as my nads after I shave 'em....
Rode my busa today, felt good. Went on a 4 mile straigt rode against a stock busa, a 750, and 3 636's.. I felt totally sorry for the Kawi's. Passed the stock busa and the 750 at about 186+. Damn gauge, need to get one of those 220mph gauges. Anyways, bike was smooth as silk, even with my frame sliders.
haha....yeah, you can trust me.

Or ya can run yer finger over them, real nice and quick like....
No thanks. I prefer two smooth ones, but of the female persuasion. (BY the way a female at birth. Not any of these new fangled newly recent females!!
) Thats why the best piece of advice i can give is when you start dating a new girl. Ask her to see her baby pics!!!
DOn't want any surprises!!

haha....aww c'mon, BB! Don't ya like a little "adventure" in yer life? Hehe....
Ummm.... In an effort to discontinue this most unfortunate turn of a thread, I have this to offer...
  That "MetroSexual" Shiot is over and done with...  You got frosted tips as well???

OK Now that the PSA is out of the way...  Riding fast with damaged fairings or no fairing is bound to cause some weirdness folks, especially when you go over about 80-100 MPH.  You figure lots of light planes are allready airborne, then as we head over 130 or so you have your F-16s, F-15s etc airborne, so yeah, damaged or missing bits of Busa will prolly have a pretty dramatic effect on the feel of the thing...

Damn Shaved nads that's just not right.... Trimmed up yeah... but dude........
Is it possible that a busa will "shimmy" less at 140 or so with the hump on verses the rear seat??? I think I notice it, but can't be sure.....
Hey.. I shave my nads once in awhile.. I just like the way it feels... And My woman thinks its wierd, but I think she likes the way it feels also....

I think everyone should try it at least once...... lol