I am a safety man for a major oil producing company. Which being the safety man alone makes people hate you already. i mainly cover oil rig moves and setup. I was on a rig move and the Rig Manager for the company that owned this rig told the rig moving company we need to communicate in english. So there is no miss communication and we all understand what is going on so none of his guys get hurt. That was all okay and all agreed. Plus the fact it is actually State Law. Well after numerous warnings from the Rig Manager that we all need to speak english no more spanish while moving the rig. We had 2 people under a center section of the rig checking pins and hoses. The moving company starts speaking spanish and the truck pulled againest the center section. Now this center section weighs 60,000lbs and slides out. The Rig Manager says this is the last warning we are speaking english here so everyone knows what is going on. Well the Truck Pusher ( is the same as a foreman for those who do not know oilfield talk) stops all his guys and an argument evolves. And all work stopped the truck Pusher comes over and starts yelling and arguing I stated I can make this whole situation clear State Law and company policy is english needs to be spoken to avoid injury and miss communication. WELL HOLY CRAP the rig manager and I were accused of being racist and they called the offices saying I yelled profanity and yelled racial slurs at them. I only stated law and policy NEVER NEVER did I yell or cuss or say any racial slur. Now I am under investigation of being racist and might lose my job. We told them we don't care if they speak spanish on their breaks and amongst themselves then but when moving the rig we have to speak english. Okay now before all this started there were only 2 guys that did not speak english and they were working on another end of the location all the others spoke english. But after all this happened and the ones who spoke english chose not to speak english and all of a sudden didn't speak english anymore.