Do you like clowns.


Some guy in Northampton here in the UK has been dressing up as a clown and just standing in various places around that town.
He's been called the Northampton clown.

Now I hate clowns they creep me out, so I'm glad I won't meet him as I live miles away.
Check him out.
He gives me the creeps.
It's just some axxhxle dressed in a silly suit. He could be doing something 'sensible' like riding a Busa....
Just sayin

Just googled him, I didn't see him before I posted the photo above. What an ass hat
I've heard about him; it is creepy, but I guess he craves the attention and he sure seems to be getting it...
A man with makeup on - and some people are afraid?

I guess some people hate Dentists too. :rofl: and they are not scary.

I guess I grew up with Bozo the clown in town so I have never been afraid of a clown.
Also saw them at the circus when it came to town. Nothing to be afraid of.

Face your fears and you will be cured :thumbsup::rofl::laugh: