Do you own a Valentine One radar detector?


:copied from a labusas board poster:

This is for all you techies that have a V-1 detector! I think it sounds pretty cool!

"At a gas station today I happened upon a guy riding one of those checkered taxi cab BMW bikes. He was decked ouy in the latest gear and clothing.
I noticed he had a V-1 and mentioned to him that I also ride with one. He went on to tell me about his new invention.
He designs and manufactures wireless temperature gauges that detect how hot the air is inside a hot air ballon. The sensor goes up inside the ballon and the gauge sits in the basket.
His invention for the V-1 works on the same principle as that. In his helmet he had a tiny piezo (sp?) speaker attached to a transmitter and a small rechargable battery. Under the rear seat was the reciever/sending unit that plugged into the V-1 and into the bikes wiring harness (for its power).
He let me try on his Arai RX7-RR3 and he powered up the V-1. It was awesome! I moved about 30 feet away from the bike and still got the beeps from the V-1! The unit has a variable volume control and best of all you can differentiate between radar bands such as X-Y and laser. No one hears it except you! No flashing lights or loud beeping speakers for the world to hear. he said he has the patent on it.
Finally someone did it!

It is not exactly cheap but I'm getting one! 100 units will be available on 9/01/00. Roughly 50 are spoken for so far according to the maker."

Want in? Email

[This message has been edited by Mabusa (edited 06 August 2000).]
Got his E back along with pics. $150.00 now saying he will sell through some mail order outfit later for 200. I'll try it and let ya know on this board. Insurance is a real life thing that I need to keep low. So "hear em" or "running".
I can hear the stock Valentine up to 110-120 no problem and my friend behind can hear it also. This is with Muzzy's installed. I guess if you run 130+ all day..Can his bike even go that fast? :)

Yeah he sent me pictures and it looks pretty cool. I've wanted something besides the remote audio set up that comes with the V1. I've had loose connections to the remote audio a couple of times making it undependable if I was going too fast to hear the main unit.

Oh yeah, been looking at the Radarlite, the Screamer, and doin the old wire to ear set-up, am interested, (know we can usually run) but still like "known" they're about. E's on the way Thanks