Do you store your busa outside?


I was in Home Depot today, and the salesman showed me a cable called kryptonite. He said it would be good for locking up a bike, and that it was impossible to cut. I thought I would come ask the what do you guys (and gals) use to store your bike outside for maximum protection from theft. Thanks in advance for the responses and expertise.
An alarm and some type of locking device. I have never seen a cable that is impossible to cut. Mine is in a garage at home and in a closed alley behind my office at work.

I would never rely on just one form of security. At times I will use my Scorpio alarm, Kryptonite disc locks and cable locks. Don't keep my bikes outside, so I feel pretty good with my alarm and four-legged security.

Anything is better than nothing. And no matter what you do...If someone wants it bad enough. They will get it. The lock will make them look else where for an easier target. Remember though the bigger it is the heavier it is if you plan on carrying it with you.
If it's left outside, I use the following:

1. Backyard
2. Disc lock on front
3. Cable lock on back
4. Car cover
5. Scorpio
6. Only when necessary- Taurus PT99
If someone wants you bike they will get it, but I would use multiple locks, well lighted, and use a alarm. Good Luck.

I sleep with mine. My girlfriend gets so pissed...
I use a DEI alarm, Kryptonite Disc and Cable locks (i work for ingersoll rand, who owns kryptonite
) and i also keep mine locked inside a garage. as soon2be stated, when needed, i have my 2 friends (Smith&Wesson  
) keep an eye on it too