Does this make a Loser


LONDON - The word "fail" should be banned from use in British classrooms and replaced with the phrase "deferred success" to avoid demoralizing pupils, a group of teachers has proposed.

Members of the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) argue that telling pupils they have failed can put them off learning for life.

A spokesman for the group said it wanted to avoid labeling children. "We recognize that children do not necessarily achieve success first time," he said.

"But I recognize that we can't just strike a word from the dictionary," he said.

The PAT said it would debate the proposal at a conference next week.
We are becoming too Politically Correct.  I was a poor student.  Getting a "C" in High School was reason to celebrate.  None of my teachers thought twice about using the "F" word.  I think I turned out alright.  I manage a bunch of Honor Roll students now.

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I hate politically correctness. It irritates me almost as much as graduation from Pre-K to Kindergarden...WTF is that about, congrats you can sleep and have recess you have achieved mediocracy and deserve a party.

Or better yet on the school subject, did you know that a Kindergardener, at least in GA, has to ask a teacher if they will teach them something. I mean I was blown away by this. We have a 5 almost 6 yr old going into kindergarden and he already can count to 20 in spanish and knows some basic spanish words and his abc's in english and spanish. Yet if he wants to learn why there is such things as present, past and future tense of words he has to ask.

It is part of the "No child left behind" thing. You know if parents would just do their d@mn job 1/2 the problems would go away.

You know if parents would just do their d@mn job 1/2 the problems would go away.
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner.
Now go try and explain that to all the loser parents.......

BTW, I think that political correctness is furthering the general wussification of our society. I don't hunt or fish, but why do I care if other people do? I agree with protecting species of animal that are endangered, but I don't care if all the deer around here are hunted into extinction.....all they do is cause wrecks. Plus venison is tasty! there are many people that would ban all hunting and fishing, and lots of other hobbies that people have. I don't understand what the big deal is, if you are against hunting, don't hunt. If you don't think your kid should be called a failure for failing, don't call them that. The fact is that if they failed to pass something, they are a failure in that regard. Changing the title so they don't gt hurt feelings is stupid. the unpleasant stigma that comes with failure is easy to avoid, just don't fail......
Haven't you heard..... school isn't for learning anymore. It is a publicly funded "babysitting" organization. They babysit children while their parents get wasted!!!
That is a bunch of BS. Children need to know when they fail. That helps them learn.


Haven't you heard..... school isn't for learning anymore. It is a publicly funded "babysitting" organization. They babysit children while their parents get wasted!!!
That is a bunch of BS. Children need to know when they fail. That helps them learn.  
You know I thought I was the only one that thought this. here we are funding with state money pre-K school. Now the kids get to enter the school system at 4 and 5 instead of 6... this is crazy. Also, how about this no student left behind deal, good at first right up until you find out that they get more money for each child that gets thru the system. its all BS.


My God! What happened to the good ole' days where you could play dodge-ball in school and blast your friends in the face with big rubber balls??
My God! What happened to the good ole' days where you could play dodge-ball in school and blast your friends in the face with big rubber balls??
Sorry, but I never had balls in my face. I couldn't resist. anyway, I agree, the school systems today are too wussyfied because they don't want kids to feel left out. Boo-f***ing-hoo. I was left out in school, I turned out fine. I have a great job, I'm gonna get a Busa when I got the money( just started the job), and I've now got a great social life with my motorcycling friends (some with busa's, 600's, cruisers, etc.).
Don't let it bother you. Let the other little skids get out of school uneducated and stupid. Less competition for YOUR kids, assuming you've done your job and taught them well.

hmmmm business will be GLAD to tell you you've failed, on many different levels. why should school set kids up with an artificial reality?

WAG I LOVE your answer.