Downpayment Amounts.


Was noticing some discussion of money put up on our bikes.

I got a deal # after 100 bucks down on 4/25/99. Picked up bike on 6/25/99.

Did my wait time have anything to do with my downpayment? Finally paid $11.524.00 with tag, title and tax.

Was that too much?

Help me out here. I thought a buyer had to put at least a dollar down on a new vehicle purchase. I want to know so next time I can keep my money in my pocket too.

that depends on your relationship with the local dealer. i ordered my busa, the yosh full system, a helmet and all long before the bike became available. didn't pay a dime down, as a matter of fact, p/up the busa and wrote a check for 14k for the bike and numerous other accessories ie jacket, helmet, exhaust, extended warranty, etc. the bike alone was 10,900 after tags, title, taxes. but most dealers know they will sell the bikes so if you want them to hold a bike for you, they require a deposit to show your determination to purchase with them. some dealers even make that deposit "non-refundable" so, get to know the people at your local dealership. good luck.
I put $6,000 down on mine and my roommate payed cash for his. I payed $10,000 before taxes he payed $9,300. but the dealer he bought the bike from had a hard time trying to get the bank to give anyone the $$ for the bike. I think that had alot to do with him geting that much $$ off the bike.
I put 200 down initially then changed my mind cause they wouldnt deal, then i put down 3000. then two hours later i said screw it and paid it off........
I test rode the 'busa after it came out, and then paid for it the next day. I ended up spending 11,700 after the smoke cleared.