Dumb cage drivers & bike riders


Last sunday I decide to go for ride, I'm just heading up some nice twisty roads, this JERK in front of me driving a Explorer puts his right turn signal on, no place to turn right, so i'm thinking he's a nice guy and is going to let me pass him, he pulls of on to the shoulder half way, so i hit the throttle ,what the F*UCK does he do, hits his left turn signal and makes a mad dash from the shoulder across the road and up a driveway to this Japanese Garden place,WHAT A F*UCKIN MORON,JERK i was pissed.....it gets better...later i'm on my way home i come up on a fellow biker, the guys riding a BMW, i slow down, the road is a little twisty but not bad, i'm waiting for him to tell me its ok to pass, he doesn't,.. he sits right in the middle of road, I know he sees me he keeps looking at me!! finally a straight away, he puts on his left turn signal, i know theres a road up head quite some way, but ok i can appreciate him letting me know he's going to be turning in the next 1/4 mile so i wait, what does this F*UCK do, as we approach where he going to turn left, he moves over to the right so i can pass him on the inside to where he's turning, WHAT A DUMB F*UCK REQUEST THIS IS! Does he think I'm an idiot,where did this F*UCK learn to ride? I'm surrounded by MORONS. HEELLLPPP ME!
Hayawoody, it was good of you to wait for that Beemer rider to let you by. Not many riders will do that. Most will simply blast by and startle the slower rider. I don't like to do that either since I don't like to mis-treat a fellow rider. I tend to trust them MORE than I trust cages. Normally, when I encounter a slower rider, I wait until they are aware of my presence. When I get the opportunity to pass, I signal, then pass. I don't wait until they signal me to go by because many riders will not. They expect you to make that decision.

With cages, anything goes. NEVER trust a cager.
I'll pass on this recommendation from another board member I won't name(you know who you are!), carry a handful of .50 ca. slingshot ammo in pocket, when you get MORON'ed get in front of him and drop one. 1 bouncie, 2 bouncie, HELLO WINDSHIELD!

Cisco San Jose is right. If something stupid can happen, it might just. I learned that lesson 3 weeks ago. I hope I learned it well.