Dumped the bike. Need some info

too many toys

Had a little accident today with my 07. Not really sure how it happened. All I know is as I was coming to a stop in traffic suddenly my front end washed out and I found myself in the street. I was only going about 25 when it happened. Anyway the left side of the bike is trashed and I was wondering if anyone knew the paint code for 07 Vigor blue? Also the engine cover on the lower left side is the stator cover correct?

Thanks for the help
I had a similar experience in the rain. In my case I was hard on the rear brake and then grabbed a hand full of front and the bike immediately went down. All wrong things to do but hey we ride, we learn. I had T-Rex sliders and case saver - no real damage other than a few scratches.
same thing happen to my 07... front tire locked up when coming to a stop. I used to use just the front brake. Now I use both
Sorry to hear about you going down on your bike. How is your tail section? I have a 07 vigor blue tail sitting in my garage.
Were you in the middle of the lane or in one of the left or right tire grooves?
Many bikers make the mistake of riding down the center of the lane they are in.
When cars come to a stop this is usually when they puke or leak fluids. This can even be for several car lengths back as traffic often builds up at red lights. My guess is that you slipped on somebody's car puke ie oil or tranny fluid and went down.
Most sorry to hear about it. Glad your safe. The bike can be fixed.
I'm fine thanks to the gear I had on. Just got back from the auto body supply and found the color code is YKY now. Suzuki might have changed it somewhere along the line. The bad news is that it's a 3 stage color and the paint to fix the fairing would run nearly $300. I was able to get a used one with some light scratches on it so I guess I'm stuck with it till I can find better.

When I went down I was in between the center and right side of the lane. I went back yesterday to see if anything was on the ground but couldn't find anything. Rider error I guess

Would love to know how I got road rash on my left knee when my Sliders riding jeans weren't torn. LOL