Could somebody please tell me where I can buy the dupont teflon mutipurpose dry wax lubricant in Canada. Thanks.
Have been using the belray with very little fling but have heard nothing but good things about this product.
I was about to ask the same question!
Thanks for the heads-up Mike1180
Is the DuPont wax in a spray can or wipe on kind? found a website with both. ???
Mike1180 is DA MAN!!! Thanks again for recommending the DUPONT.
mike1180, if it wasn't for you, my chain and wheel won't be as clean. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.
Now, if I can just stop Blanca from messing with the pics every time he sees it.
You probably do but I didn't when I did Djx's chain.From what I understand about wax lubes though you have to do a pretty thorough job cleaning the chain before first application?
I know exactly what you're saying.I picked up 2 cans from lowes last week. 500 miles later and no grime and sling. Great product!
Posted via Mobile Device
I can't say enough good things about this product. If you cannot find any maybe I could ship you some Our lowe's here carries it
Thanks sleepless Red for the informational Photo.....My company finally makes something I can actually work for a Dupont plant in Texas.
Thanks sleepless Red for the informational Photo.....My company finally makes something I can actually work for a Dupont plant in Texas.
GROUP BUY!!!!!!!