Ebay or internet business owners...


Donating Member
Hey all, I am curious how many on here have internet businesses.... Ebay or otherwise. I Did the Ebay thing when they were new and I was much younger. I have owned my own businesses since I was in my teens. I am currently switching careers to a different field which involves licenses through the government and had no idea it could take so long. Go figure, it is the government. I need something to do during this process and wonder what type of businesses other members have. I have a friend that his brother does some type of google ads and owns multiple sites and each time someone clicks on a site off his website, he makes a little money. He makes a ton of money with the way he does it. I have somewhat of an idea of what they do but want to find out more about his business. I used to go to auctions and yard sales and bought the UGLIEST items I could find, then listed them on ebay. One year I made over 30,000 dollars just working 3 days a week!!! I know Ebay is a little more congested now but still curious about how people are doing things on their now. I have used Ebay to buy some bike parts, but that is about it now.

I have to do something until my current business starts bringing in a positive cash flow..... I have been self employed for so long now, I don't know how to work for someone else and most of my work experience does not qualify me for the average type of job anyhow.
I have a link at the bottom of my signature. I started an Assisted Living Facility after being in real estate for almost 7 years. I kind of took a leap of faith and moved into something I was not prepared to take so long. Been living on a deflating savings. Have made it through most of the hoops required to jump through, but still not a postive income yet. Might be working at Mc Donalds soon :whistle:
I have a little internet business. I often call it a hobby that got out of control. The first time someone suggested I could make money with my little hobby (after spending years working on it), I had no idea I could do that, ntm I had no idea where to even start. Had been doing it all for free for years. I think it falls under the 'do what you love and the money will follow rule.' What do you like to do?
Anyone can start a business. When I started mine I had an income and my wife also worked. We used her income to put into the business and mine to pay the bills and eat. I do not think any business you start now a days brings in a profit immediately with no expenses. If there is one out there I would like to know about it as I am sure others would too. We both worked for a year, before the profit came in. Then I kept working for for 18 more months to make sure the bills were paid on time.
The first thing I did was research, I did not listen to anyone I actually researched each thing myself. We invested my wife's income into all of the expenses:phone bills, office equipment, etc. Yes, it took awhile but we lived OK and the bills were paid until the profits rolled in. This is the mistake many make thinking the profit will come in fast. i am sure there are some that this happens to, but not all. There is no shame in getting a job and waiting for the profit, it is better than not eating. If your wife (health wise) is able to work let her. You can also get a job like you mentioned. As soon as the profit is positive for awhile you can quit. I own a distributing company. I do not make millions but pay my bills and am happy. Fred
I have a little internet business. I often call it a hobby that got out of control. The first time someone suggested I could make money with my little hobby (after spending years working on it), I had no idea I could do that, ntm I had no idea where to even start. Had been doing it all for free for years. I think it falls under the 'do what you love and the money will follow rule.' What do you like to do?

My businesses have always been the things I have enjoyed doing and it kept me from Hating work. I loved to go to work. I loved Real Estate. The buisness I am working on now is something I feel really driven to do, It gives back and is very rewarding. I Used to start small businesses and ran a few different types in my younger days. Had an advertising business, ebay business, small mail order business, window washing business, etc... All were profitable and very little start up cost. When I first started Real Estate, I was told it could take 3 or 4 months to make a commission check and I took that as a personal challenge and made 2 checks in less than 30 days!! I am someone that does not fear working and have never looked for get rich quick schemes or anything. When you work for yourself, you normally work twice as much as someone working for someone else, atleast the ones that are successful do. I have worked 7 days a week and 10 to 12 hour days for a long time in real estate.

I was just curious to see how many people on here have internet businesses, don't expect to make a fortune or profits quick, just curious to start researching a new type of business.
Hey all, I am curious how many on here have internet businesses.... Ebay or otherwise. I Did the Ebay thing when they were new and I was much younger.

If you are really interested I can help a fellow Busa Guy out and bring you up to speed on the postives and negatives of selling on eBay and the Internet

Why, because I am the CEO of a franchsie company and we have 93 stores nationwide called "iSold It" on Ebay. These are all independent owners who are under our franchise system. I have been doing this for 4+ years and we sell about $2M on eBay each month thru the stores

You can check out my webite site iSOLD It - The Easy Way to Sell on eBay. Pop me an email and I will give you my phone number and you can call me on Monday. Have a list of questions ready and have a pencil and paper ready to take some notes.

Free knowledge - how can you beat that?

Interesting connection-many times I've bid/won busa parts from several different iSold It locations since '06. I was impressed that your very broad selling platform had quality busa parts. After looking into it a little more, thats really a great idea that fits alot of lifestyles. With some effort,it would be more than a fair income. Are there any in NoCen.MO?:whistle:???
Interesting connection-many times I've bid/won busa parts from several different iSold It locations since '06. I was impressed that your very broad selling platform had quality busa parts. After looking into it a little more, thats really a great idea that fits alot of lifestyles. With some effort,it would be more than a fair income. Are there any in NoCen.MO?:whistle:???

I am not trying to sell anyone a franchise, i was just offering to provide some free advice to another rider before he jumps into the eBay thing.

Its all good

Also here is a list of the stores iSOLD It - The Easy Way to Sell on eBay
Hope I didn't imply that, only that you also ride a busa and your company was a sound idea, nothing more:thumbsup:

No Problem - but in fact its been a really tuff road selling on eBay with Retail Stores - so anyone interested in doing the eBay thing I can give them some sound advice before they jump in.
PM sent, Thanks!!

If you are really interested I can help a fellow Busa Guy out and bring you up to speed on the postives and negatives of selling on eBay and the Internet

Why, because I am the CEO of a franchsie company and we have 93 stores nationwide called "iSold It" on Ebay. These are all independent owners who are under our franchise system. I have been doing this for 4+ years and we sell about $2M on eBay each month thru the stores

You can check out my webite site iSOLD It - The Easy Way to Sell on eBay. Pop me an email and I will give you my phone number and you can call me on Monday. Have a list of questions ready and have a pencil and paper ready to take some notes.

Free knowledge - how can you beat that?

PM sent

If you are really interested I can help a fellow Busa Guy out and bring you up to speed on the postives and negatives of selling on eBay and the Internet

Why, because I am the CEO of a franchsie company and we have 93 stores nationwide called "iSold It" on Ebay. These are all independent owners who are under our franchise system. I have been doing this for 4+ years and we sell about $2M on eBay each month thru the stores

You can check out my webite site iSOLD It - The Easy Way to Sell on eBay. Pop me an email and I will give you my phone number and you can call me on Monday. Have a list of questions ready and have a pencil and paper ready to take some notes.

Free knowledge - how can you beat that?

Fate & Mary

I replied to both of your PM's

Glad to help out a fellow Busa Rider with all this eBay stuff

Look forward to speaking to you both during the week

Remember to send me your eBay ID's so I can check out your listings

I have sold on ebay for several years. I did it full time for about a 3 year span until 07. Now i am just listing a few items at a time. If you can get the right products at the right time and of course at the right price.....you can make a good living. Just strike when the iron is hot. I made a 6 digit income each year in 05 and 06 from selling on ebay and never really had to leave the house :) But the items that sold strongly then slowed way down in 07.

I finally got sick of never leaving the house, got cabin fever i guess :laugh: but stopped the full time operation and am just selling part time now.

Best of luck!
I have sold on ebay for several years. I did it full time for about a 3 year span until 07. Now i am just listing a few items at a time. If you can get the right products at the right time and of course at the right price.....you can make a good living. Just strike when the iron is hot. I made a 6 digit income each year in 05 and 06 from selling on ebay and never really had to leave the house :) But the items that sold strongly then slowed way down in 07.

I finally got sick of never leaving the house, got cabin fever i guess :laugh: but stopped the full time operation and am just selling part time now.

Best of luck!

I sent you a pm, I am not looking to do this full time nor make 6 figures, just something for extra disposable cash until thing change with my current biz. Was thinking about doing the same as I did in the past with yard sales and Auctions. The area I live in is the highest in foreclosures in the nation, and when people are losing their homes, they try to sell of their personal items for as much cash as they can travel with to there new lives some place else. Figured I could make some bones off small trinkets I pick up at a low price around here for extra cash...