ecm codes

The connector you are looking for is located on the harness at the back edge of the the driver seat on the left side of the bike (from seated position). It has a rubber cover on it and is a 4 pin connector with only two wires going into it. The wires are black and white (I am not sure if they have stripes). There are no other connectors like it near there. You may have to remove the rear plastic fairing to find it. I hard wired a switch to my connector. The toggle is accessable from the trunk area under the rear seat. It is useful for testing the TPS too. I use it once a week to ensure the TPS is adjusted correctly. It gives codes too at the same time. I think Suzuki should have installed the switch to begin with. You can use a wire to jump the connector if you don't want to pay a $1 for the switch. Since I am out of warrantee, the connector is history and the switch is permanent.
cool thanks man.


