Engine rebuild?


Pickin up a Busa pretty cheap today, owner said engine is makin a ticking noise at various rpm. Comes and goes thru rpm band. Bike supposedly only has 6000mi on it. Question is worst case scenario if i have to have engine rebuilt what kind of prices should i expect? Totally new to Busa thing so no idea whats goin on here. Tried searching about this and didnt find an exactly similar thread. All input is appreciated!
like if u was to do it urself or pay a shop to do it?
edit- it doesnt matter how many miles are on it when its already messed up...... ps. ticking could be many things can u post a video or something of it?
i have a new busa and my bike ticks to is that a bad sign i dont race or rag on my bike i guess thats what a warrenty is for but does anyone have an idea what it could be...............
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More info to come, I dont pick up the bike till this evening. All i know is what he described over the phone........

Possible to have a shop do a PPI (PrePurchase Inspection) done prior to the sale? At least, you'll have some numbers to work with (parts and labor) when doing the deal. Best of luck.
i would try to talk him down more cause the guy has no idea whats wrong with the engine, nor do u....it could be a simple fix or if could be a extreme engine failure...... all u kno is it makes a ticking noise...
If it is a 2002-2007 you should be able to do a motor swap for about 2-2.5K with a good used one. I'd call that worst case. The old one could be parted out to offset some of that even. Not getting in a hurry to buy one, even cheaper.
If it is a 2002-2007 you should be able to do a motor swap for about 2-2.5K with a good used one. I'd call that worst case. The old one could be parted out to offset some of that even. Not getting in a hurry to buy one, even cheaper.

oh yea i didnt even thing about swapping the engine, as long as u do all the work urself u will be about even in price of a good busa
its a 2000, so is that better/worse? And im reading about a recall for the first 2 years of production, could this possibly what im dealing with?
There was a recall for the 1999 and 2000 models to add a hydraulic cam chain tensioner. I had the update done to my 2000.
It doesnt even matter now anyway, dude *****ed out on sellin the bike! :cussing: So anyone sellin one around the chicagoland area let me know!