Etc not Ect


Donating Member
It's commonly typed incorrectly. The abbreviation of etc is short for et cetera aka etcetera but NOT ect. It's never ec cetra.:crazy:

Just a pet peeve of mine. :D I now return you to your usual discussions.

Oh, no more 'it is what it is' either. (Everything) is what it is after all.:cool:

Anything else bug you?:rolleyes:
It is commonly typed incorrectly .

The abbreviation of etc
is short for et cetera
aka etcetera
but NOT ect .

It is never ec cetra .


Just a pet peeve of mine .


I now return you
to your usual discussions.

Oh, no more
'it is what it is' either.

( Everything ) is what it is after all .


Anything else bug you ?


You Americans say 'right?' at the end of every sentence.
What's going on with that right?
A common one here in NZ with the uncouth poorly educated is the term... 'Youse'.
They use it as a plural form of 'you'.... idiots!
Now now, its only 'some' Americans that say that. And 'Youse' is hopefully going away, being (yoused) by only some residents in New York and Jersey. Noemsayin?:laugh:
Morish , can't stand hearing people say that food was' morish ' .... also 'yeah' and 'like' at the end of every sentence really craps me off !!
Also , just realized recently I was spelling reckon as reakon , so corrected ... I reckon ...:laugh:
Ok really gets me, ok
I know a guy that says OK at the end of every sentence, ok
It just, ok
it just bugs me, ok
I get it ok
you need acceptance ok

Oh ok
he's canadian ok
could be worse, eh

You know how Canada was named ok
C - eh - N - eh - D -eh