Ever been this PI$$ED off?


Donating Member
To make a long story short, this evening I came home and was sitting down to figure out my finances and to pay some bills, when I logged into one of my bank accounts and happened to notice there was a NEGATIVE BALANCE which NEVER happens because I am anal retentive about my ALL my finances. Well looking over account history, there seems to be many withdrawals and authorizations from portugal and lisbo(where ever in the he(( that is). Then I get on the
FU@!*NG phone to try and call the bank because I have a direct deposit that is going to hit tomorrow and I am hold for so long that by the time I get to talk to someone, it is past thier FU$%ing work hours. God I am so PI$$Ed I could fly to Portugal and find whoever FU$%ed with my account and personally KILL them, HE(( at this point I would almost dismember their body and put it all piece by piece in a giant meat grinder and then feed it to some hungry FU%^ing lions or what the HE(( ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for not making the story shorter, I am just PI$$ed.

I guess one good thing is I dont have all of my eggs in one basket..........
Lisbon is a city in Portugal. Call the bank first thing in the a.m. and tell them to lock down the account.

Good luck on this one. My debit card # was apparently stolen a few weeks ago but fortunately the bank's fraud department caught it before any transactions were approved. I hope someday to catch one of this %*#*%*#* under the wheels of my truck.
Whats that, stealing my money to pay for the $hit head who got them into the mess they are ins retirement or severence package. Thats F'ED up.
Me and my wife have NavyFed. One time my wife autherize a payment in Florida somewhere. They called to make sure that she autherized it. They would have done the samein your case specially since they was all the way in Portugal. I hope you get everything straighten out
The bank will sort you out, no problem. Depending how big your bank is, will be directly proportional to how long it takes to reverse the transactions.

Remind me never to mess with you!!:blowingup:
Me and my wife have NavyFed. One time my wife autherize a payment in Florida somewhere. They called to make sure that she autherized it. They would have done the samein your case specially since they was all the way in Portugal. I hope you get everything straighten out

Great Credit Union...
My wife had the same thing happen to her this past week, bank rep said it was most likely a counterfeit card (guess they get lucky with randomly generating card numbers or something...dunno how they get so lucky to get the exp. date though) rather than a stolen number. She rarely uses her debit card and that's the method they used to charge her account. Bank reversed all charges and fees for her.
Sorry to hear. Fortunately you had cash reserves elsewhere to reduce the fallout.

I try to limit debit card usage for just this reason. Never use a debit card online. Never hand a waiter/waitress a debit card to pay for dinner. The only time I ever use a debit card is when I am the one swiping it in a card reader.

That's not 100% effective either, but it reduces the opportunity for fraud that directly impacts my bank account.
Close ! Had a couple of unauthorized charges on a credit card and called them to get the charges reversed. Got an Indian on the other end that could barely speak english. Although he was very polite I had a heck of a time understanding him. He was actually spelling out words phonetically so I would understand them. You know, A as in apple, etc. After about 30 minutes I finally got them reversed.

I'm actually Portuguese and I work in the ATM industry...
first off, Pennsylvania? where the heck is that? :p
on a more serious note, and from some inside intel, we have had some issues with 2 big eastern european counterfeiting gangs working in our country this past year. If your account has been targetted from a Portuguese account, I suggest you contact the Portuguese bank holding that account.
The most I can help you with is saying that Lisbon is in the same timezone as London (GMT) and banks here are open to the public from 9am to 3pm.
Oh, and once you find the bast***s that did it, I know people that know people.
You have to watch the people you hand your cards to. I've heard of people clicking a pic with their phone of the card. Know those times when waiters are gone alittle too long with your card? Be cautious.
I hope they work with you also. Most banks are pretty good about that. Will return your funds and hunt out the person who's doing this. Happened to a college roommate I had.
Gettin it fixed. Bank is reversing all overdraft fees which were over $100, and fixn transactions that were withdrawn, still PI$$ES me off though, had many better things planned today like riden the busa not setting in the house fixn this mess.