To make a long story short, this evening I came home and was sitting down to figure out my finances and to pay some bills, when I logged into one of my bank accounts and happened to notice there was a NEGATIVE BALANCE which NEVER happens because I am anal retentive about my ALL my finances. Well looking over account history, there seems to be many withdrawals and authorizations from portugal and lisbo(where ever in the he(( that is). Then I get on the
FU@!*NG phone to try and call the bank because I have a direct deposit that is going to hit tomorrow and I am hold for so long that by the time I get to talk to someone, it is past thier FU$%ing work hours. God I am so PI$$Ed I could fly to Portugal and find whoever FU$%ed with my account and personally KILL them, HE(( at this point I would almost dismember their body and put it all piece by piece in a giant meat grinder and then feed it to some hungry FU%^ing lions or what the HE(( ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for not making the story shorter, I am just PI$$ed.
I guess one good thing is I dont have all of my eggs in one basket..........
FU@!*NG phone to try and call the bank because I have a direct deposit that is going to hit tomorrow and I am hold for so long that by the time I get to talk to someone, it is past thier FU$%ing work hours. God I am so PI$$Ed I could fly to Portugal and find whoever FU$%ed with my account and personally KILL them, HE(( at this point I would almost dismember their body and put it all piece by piece in a giant meat grinder and then feed it to some hungry FU%^ing lions or what the HE(( ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for not making the story shorter, I am just PI$$ed.
I guess one good thing is I dont have all of my eggs in one basket..........