Ever have


who, me?
Donating Member
Where you just want to say  

Just finished one. Started off at work with the end of a 100mph+ pursuit of a Mustang Cobra that came my way and ended with 1 in custody. Luckily I remembered the pursuing PD uses cameras in cars...

Then an emotionally disturbed mallet wielding 16 year old I had to wrestle with. That turned out to be nothing but a dirtier uniform. Love those calls when parents can't control thier own kids and call, but of course we can do nothing right. "You're hurting him" But he just swung that fugger at my head?

Then another emotionally disturbed 80+ year old female who was just  
but wouldn't let me leave.

Not to mention the usual stuff like the unconscious female in a trailer that was basically in the way of the other residents type calls.

Then had to deal with a moron(who I arranged to do work) who installed the electric brake switch in Zukracers suburban and blew fuse. No big deal, if he could have figured it out and not sent us off in a last minute frenzy looking for a qualified mechanic with a code reader.  
Found such a mechanic and situation fixed.  


I just want to be southbound on way to Bash...  

11 hours until departure.  

Safe trip all! Hank is in the house!  
Cant say I have had days "just like yours", but I know what you mean. Departing in 15 hours. See you there.
Different circumstances, similar idiocy. More yes than no for the last 6 or so months with work, divorce, and family drama.

It will make you appreciate the Bash more.

Full moon too. I am no doctor but moon phase and idiocy are directly correlated!

Nothing a few days with my Busa and extended family members from the .oRg can't cure!
9 hrs.
Have a safe trip down Charlie and I will see ya on Wednesday.
Your daughter is in for a real treat, memories that will last forever.
Sorry you won't be joining us Hal. You'll be missed.

Looking forward to making the memories Tim, I'm sure there may be a screech here and there too. Maybe the Autocom wasn't such a good idea...  

8 hours  
YES, I hate those 100+ mph chases.
I especially hate it when they bring out the chopper....
makes it really hard to get away
WOO HOO!!!! Leave Thursday AM!! Can't wait! Gonna be fun meeting you guys!
I think I have one brewing today. Kid threw up in bed @ 3:30 a.m. been up ever since. Step daughter is going off to live with her dad. Not sure about that one yet. jumped on the board and remembered I'm heading to the bash thurs, so it might brighten up. Now off to work to see what kind of drama is going on there.

come on thurs
I just want to be southbound on way to Bash...

11 hours until departure.

Safe trip all! Hank is in the house

Ok I can help you PD..but Im gonna need to uninamoninity

I'm just sitting here thinking "a Mustang Cobra only goes 100 mph?"
Sorry, sidetracked...

So, just get yourself packed up and leave all that mess behind...right now, all I care about it getting my Busa loaded up and I MIGHT remember to bring some change of clothes and a toothbrush, but honestly, who cares?! LOL

Have a good run down to Robbinsville...see you soon!!!
I'm just sitting here thinking "a Mustang Cobra only goes 100 mph?"  
 Sorry, sidetracked...

So, just get yourself packed up and leave all that mess behind...right now, all I care about it getting my Busa loaded up and I MIGHT remember to bring some change of clothes and a toothbrush, but honestly, who cares?!  LOL  

Have a good run down to Robbinsville...see you soon!!!
Uh, I care - I gotta share a room with you! Don't worry, I already packed spares...